Sharks. Tornadoes. SHARKNADOES!

Looks like the Vatican picked the right week to announce the upcoming canonizations of Saints-to-be John Paul II and John XXIII. All their holiness and more will be required to…

New Theme Ideas?

If you have any, let me know. I'm running an old version of Weaver now, and I dread updating it because it means sacrificing all the tweaks I made. But…

Fingers Lakes Wine Tasting Notes

A few years ago the boss of Guinness toured American micro-breweries and congratulated them for their enterprise, but he also gave them a spot of advice, which, paraphrased, was that…

More On Flying

SFO to JFK. A Russian couple, both double-plus sized, the man at the aisle the woman the window. Me in the middle. I offered many times to let them sit…