Welcome Back BYTE!

BYTE is back! It was the winter of 1979. Allen Ordway, Brian Grenke and me sat at a table in the Algebra teacher's room. We were typing in a Basic…

TSA Update And Practicum

I have to face the "Ver are your papers!" brigade this morning as I once again make my way through the carbon-dioxide soaked skies to the land of growing taxes,…

More Bad Language

We've already done issue (as an asinine synonym of problem), raising awareness (rampant self regard combined with the belief of education as panacea), questions raised (a cheap journalistic trick). Today…

Happy 1000th Post!

This is it! The nine-hundred-ninety-ninth-plus-one post! The post whose number is a pleasing and large (relatively speaking) power of ten! The post that pushes us over the top of the…

Caught With My Pants Down

No, not like Andrew "Stuffed Shorts" Weiner. I mean literally, as in the picture below, taken while walking across the Manhattan Bridge. A guy on a bike, who I later…