Remember what we said about zombies

"Zombie attacks to increase due to global warming" rang the headline on this blog seven moons ago. So said eminent zombiologist and scientist Dr Harrister, BS, MS, PhD, OMGWAG. Who…

Top 10 Sci-Fi Movies

Since we had so much fun with the Military List. Plus, it's Friday. Star Wars The original 1977 theatrical, error-filled release only. Han did shoot first. The storm troopers did…

CO2 Is Very Very Too Much

"What is global warming?" The state of global warming politics has finally reached kitsch. Take a look at the video below, a snippet from the game show Super Center ABC…

Interview With A Climatologist

Today, an exclusive interview with famed international climatologist Dr Arturo Calor. Dr Calor is leading the scientific fight against man-made global warming. Thank you for being with us, Dr Calor.…