Demographic Change Is Key To Democratic Party’s Political Ambitions

Demographic Change Is Key To Democratic Party’s Political Ambitions

Watch (I stole today’s title from this):


Quoting the appalling ADL was masterful, but on the other hand, when are the debased worried about hypocrisy?

Jews can have a homeland, and can and must control who comes in and who goes out. Blacks can have lots of homelands, and can and must control who comes in an who goes out. Asians, too. Everybody, of course, except whites.

To say the same sentences with “whites” swapped in would cause most whites to choke and become too embarrassed to continue. Nobody wants to be called a “white supremacist”, a label which is deadly.

Whites have been told from birth that they are no different than anybody else, that everybody is the same. Most of them believe it. Problem is, nobody else does.

There is some good news coming out of this: 1,500 rabbis blast ADL for calling Fox News to fire Tucker Carlson, which you have to admit is hilarious. The ADL, like the SPLC, is a fund-raising organization, with leadership that does rather well for themselves.

Also: Rep. Scott Perry Criticizes Border Crisis, Brings Tucker Carlson’s Replacement Migration Arguments to Congress. A rare Republican with cojones.

Speaking of Spanish, why are there not calls for Mexico to assimilate all these people trying to gain entry to the USA? I mean, why not from our side. The other side is lost.

But they are also in charge. Our only solution, therefore, seems to be twofold: learn Spanish, and move far from any population center.

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  1. Sheri

    Nope, apathy was the key and Dems already own everything. It was not worth fighting for and people just handed the country over. You get what you ask for and this is what Americans asked for. Demographic change is not at all important.

  2. DAV

    As I’ve said before:
    it’s lonely here a the top.

  3. Zundfolge

    When people like Vox Day and Stefan Molyneux said this exact same thing a couple years ago they were canceled as white supremacists … Tucker Carlson is no white supremacist (neither are the other two) and at this point I doubt he’ll get canceled for pointing this out. How far we’ve come in such a short time.

  4. MatiG

    I fear this angle is a distraction intended to further inflame partisan and racial tensions. Democrats may benefit today, but tomorrow it could be Republicans (and as Tucker points out, Reagan started it). Latin Americans aren’t exactly reliable Democrats. Many have more traditional values than your average American. And what percentage of migrants are Catholic? Perhaps the focus should be on keeping them devout instead of keeping them out.

    Seems to me that the more stable benefits accrue not to Democrats, but to globalist oligarchs, who gain a greater supply of cheap/willing labor and further erosion of what little remains of national solidarity. Yes, they are trying to replace us, but “us” ain’t white people; “us” is free people.

  5. Dean Ericson

    God bless Tucker Carlson for having the courage to say it, and our host for bringing it up here. Every white Christian nation has the same problem. Someone, some entity, some force, hates us with an insane passion and is working for our extinction. Satan, to be sure, but that devil has his worldly devoteés, and it makes them foam with rage when we call it out.

  6. MatiG:

    “Latin Americans aren’t exactly reliable Democrats. Many have more traditional values than your average American. And what percentage of migrants are Catholic?”

    Close to 100% from south of the border. And even Latinos with socialist inclinations, once they get wind of the trans activism and other components of woke ideology now fully embraced by the Democrats, will run screaming into the arms of the Republicans. If US Democratic politicians think that Guatemalans and Salvadoreans will stand for being called “Latinx”, the walls of their bubble have truly become opaque.

  7. Russell Haley

    “Our only solution, therefore, seems to be twofold: learn Spanish, and move far from any population center.”

    An odd comment from someone who is Catholic? Are you sure you’re not a WASP? These people are devout, and like the Irish and Polish will change the nature of the US when they emigrate.

    I think the *actual* only solution, therefore, is to indeed learn Spanish and go greet your brother Catholics and bring them into the fold of America. Even if they do eventually vote democrat, if they stay devout and wind up in the same communities, they can influence who is elected. Win-win for any Catholic who is *actually* not a racist.

    Besides, it’s not like white people are even trying to fix the problem and have any children. How many more generations at this pace Dr. Briggs? Indeed, I would learn Spanish and thank God I’m not in Europe. Europeans are going to have to learn Arabic…

    If the Republicans took even a small slice of the hundreds of millions of dollars they pour into these elections and spent it on actually improving the lives of these Christians that are coming into the country, the Republican party might still stay relevant (gasp!). I bet at this point the Catholic church is even desperate enough to take Republican money. (Speaking of desperate, did you see the USCCB actually had the gall to fain disappointment that Biden canceled all the abortion limitations? “We didn’t know he would do that!” ha ha hah ha ha.)

  8. I have learned to be an unabashed white supremacist. If you want America to continue, you must become one also.

    Demography is destiny. The future belongs to those who show up.

  9. Lee – “And even Latinos with socialist inclinations, once they get wind of the trans activism and other components of woke ideology now fully embraced by the Democrats, will run screaming into the arms of the Republicans.”

    None of what you said ever turns out to be true.

  10. Russell Haley

    “I have learned to be an unabashed white supremacist.”

    And which whites are those? The English whites, the Poles? You can’t really believe the Italians are “white”? What about those that are (gasp) mixed? Do “Jews” count? Are we going with the one drop rule? Or perhaps the Caribbean thumb check?

    The Truth of the Catholic church is universal and lifts all people out of ignorance and poverty. The pre-Christian “whites” were just as evil as any leftist is today. The constant practice of good morals and hard work will cleans any race. That’s the entire reason “whites” sent missionaries to other countries.

    If you actually believe that all people are influenceable and malleable (as you clearly do by your fear of Democrat phy-ops), then *you* need to do your part and engage the ignorant masses. Brown, black or white. *EVERYONE* needs saving. Might as well start with the guests your “president” has invited into the country.

    Live in the real world. People are coming. Millions of them. What are YOU going to do about it???? Hide and be angry? Good luck with that.

  11. Johnno

    Anti-white-ism does exist and it is racist.

    That said, there are racist whites. These are liberal Democrat whites who believe the other colors of the world can’t get proper identification, can’t succeed on their own merits, and need constant help from government bodies, and are better off not procreating.

    These whites hate other colors so much they will even deny them the Gospel of Jesus Christ and will encourage them to practice hedonism and false religions and promote bad culture by calling it diversity.

    These are the same racist whites who deny the Catholic faith and openly push the racist origins fairytale of Charles Darwin where the white monkey supremacists rule supreme. Little wonder they encourage mass immigration from nations they themselves destroy through all manner of warfare.

    So much more could be said, but essentially two things matter for harmony. A common faith that is objectively true, and a common spoken tongue.

    Absent that, more borders and decentralization is necessary. Liberal multiculturalism is a failure. Even the afterlife sees separation between Heaven and Hell as a necessity. There will always be those who exist outside the New Jerusalem.

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