Abortion Is Only The Symptom: Here Is The Disease

Abortion Is Only The Symptom: Here Is The Disease

Was listening to the radio and the propagandist said something like, “Ohio voters enshrined the right to abortion in the state’s Constitution…”

They never do hear themselves, do they.

Enshrined. Put into a shrine. A shrine, of course, being is a place of worship.

“Briggs, that’s too literal. Women don’t treat killing the lives inside them as any kind of ritual.”

That so? Then how do we explain this—admittedly honest—young lady who claims to be a witch, and who has used those killings, twice, as “birthing magic and death magic simultaneously”?

No, don’t answer. I’m only teasing. The women is real enough, but she and her spells are in the minority. So far, anyway. Incidentally, her term is “womb body” and not “woman.”

We’re more interested in the bulk, the great mass, of womb bodies who shrieked with joy at the enshrinement. And even not so much these creatures, but the shriveled testicle bodies who cheered them on.

Richard Hanania—who, I predict, will soon announce his betrothal to James Lindsay—is one of these. About the election night results, he tweeted:

Women have no moral obligation to be gracious winners here.

As men, our role is simply to get out of the way and give them complete dominion over this area of life.

It is their bodies, their choice….

…Congratulations to all women.

And (with today’s title picture):

I just feel such goodwill towards women on days like this. Here they are celebrating in Columbus last night. How can anyone be against such joy?

Passing quickly by the hope-she-sees-this-bro nature of these tweets, I find it utterly astonishing that after decades of “sex education” that most have no clue, none at all, how babies are made.

The women who have abortions either have forgotten, or perhaps never knew, that the man they were with is equally responsible for the life that will be killed. One would assume that in a “rights” obsessed culture that men would clamor for their “rights” to be recognized in this, and at least insist on the “right” of joint decision.

Of course, often men would soon forget the whole thing, while women have no choice but to remember. This is nature. This difference in nature between the sexes therefore explains the discrepancy in “rights” screeching. Women only insist on the man’s “rights” when she decides not to kill the life, but birth it, and then seek monetary support for the life’s raising. Men always have to pay, too.

So. The Hananias among us lamented abortion being on the ballot—not the act itself, but it’s presence in elections—because it harmed Republicans. Who, said these Hananias, would have a better chance to win if they did not have to support abortion bans.

The Hananias are, of course, right—up to a point. The only thing wrong with these analyses is the implicit premise that it is good for Republicans to win. Which, you must admit, is hilarious. Anyway, this will soon enough be a moot point as state after state build their shrines and there will be no more need for abortion ballot measures.

But there will be a need for any number of other anti-Reality measures, especially after whites are no longer a majority and the racial aggravations really kick in. All of these will be losing positions to take. And so, to win, the Republicans must eschew all of them.

And be left with what, exactly?

Truth is, nothing. Because no measure will ever be on the ballot which attacks the foundation of leftward drift. Which is the entire liberal project, began in the perfectly oppositely named Enlightenment.

Recall its three premises: Secularism, Egalitarianism (Equality), and Utilitarianism.

With decreasingly frequent minor local exceptions to secularism, such as funding for certain parochial schools, no measure to weaken secularism will ever appear on a ballot.

Utilitarianism drives the Expertocracy, which is believed with absolute certainty by all elites and rulers. You cannot vote out Experts.

Finally, Equality, which is the driver of DIE. Those who are for Equality, the false belief that men and women are “really” the same, and must be treated the same, will always take the position that women have the “right” to do whatever they want with “their own” bodies. After all, men have that “right”, and used it to make the life, so women should allowed their own “right”.

The entire Civil “Rights” Act was premised on Equality. It doesn’t matter that in practice every use of it violates it, because here Equality, which would forbid the anti-white rulings now so prevalent, becomes Equity. Equality of outcome. Which, of course, means superiority of outcome for designated Victims.

So, sure, stop pushing abortion, appear to be more “moderate”. Which is to say, more like a leftist. It’s the only way to win votes. But not to Win.

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  1. JohnM

    It is strange that when I declared, “My Body, My Choice” when it came to the vaxx, I was criticised, subjected to pressure and also shunned.

    I would appear that the sauce is not the same for the Goose and the Gander.

  2. Jim Fedako

    Just look at the result of churches embracing their antithesis, the world: empty congregations. And, yet, the Republican Party believes embracing progressive liberalism will fill its membership rolls. Not a chance.

  3. Dors

    Off-topic: When you need an artist for your book’s cover, or for an event, and such :

    “Anthony Freda […] has created illustrations for mainstream publications like Time, The New Yorker, Rolling Stone, and The New York Times, and for alternative news websites and publications. […] He started speaking out against the roll-out of the New Normal Reich in 2020, [….] exiled from NormalWorld, as many of us, […] He’s offering his artwork to alternative outlets and organizations for free if necessary. ”


  4. Arthur Foyt

    Life does not start at conception.
    2 living things come together and continue to be living (well, until abortion kills what is living).

  5. JerryR

    Abortion is just the result of a dying culture. We are probably in one of the greatest changes in world history and don’t realize it. The modern world is over. It is not one of technology which gets all the attention but one of culture.

    It was based on two necessary conditions, both of which are no longer operative. The first is an internal governor or moderator of behavior provided by Christianity which limited the excesses that humans could do or be allowed to do. Christianity existed for centuries before the second necessary condition appeared, that is individual freedom.

    This second condition, individual freedom, allowed the individual to change how things were done and reap unto to themselves the financial rewards such changes made. This started in late 16th century England and resulted in the Industrial Revolution two centuries later in England and its North American colonies. The most striking example of this was Pennsylvania which became a center for individual freedom and economic self determination. But one that was very Christian.

    Now both are gone or going quickly. Abortion is just one manifested aspect of the changes that have been happening due to the death of Christianity. Other moral restraints have also disappeared as Christianity is quickly becoming non existent. And freedom is under attack everywhere.

    The resultant world will be one of power, which is what ruled everywhere until freedom showed up and briefly changed the world. The elites will not be needed and those who thought they would be immune will also no longer be needed.

    The irony will be that the changes will be celebrated by the intellectuals just before they become eliminated. Remember that the French Revolution was followed by Napoleon.

  6. Johnno

    The Hanania Barberra cartoon is a walking talking demonstration of Right-Wing/Republican/Conservatism in action.

    Lowering standards, forever!

  7. C-Marie

    Since this article is concerning human life …. all human life does begin at conception, and therefore the killing of this person’s life at any point, is the killing of a human being, who is a wholly separate human being from the parents.
    God bless, C-Marie

  8. A rigid position on abortion makes Republicans the stupid party.
    A large majority of women favor legal abortions in the first trimester. Any party that opposes that large majority is a party of fools.
    Most states allow early abortions. The Supreme Court gave the power to decide that issue to the states. the Plan B “morning after pill” is legal in all 50 states and available without a prescription. That pill could be claimed to be equivalent to a very early abortion. Will Republicans want to ban Plan B pills to be consistently stupid?

  9. Rudolph Harrier

    Notice how there have been several instances in recent years of the pro-life movement dogpiling on anyone who suggests that women who get a doctor to kill their babies should be prosecuted. Even the mainstream pro-life movement is terrified of women being held accountable for their actions. Their method of avoiding accountability is simply different. The left says that women should not be held accountable, since anything they choose to do is good, therefore they can’t have done anything wrong in the first place. The mainstream pro-life movement says instead that abortion is bad, but if a woman decides to get one it must because she was tricked into doing so by the abortionist or her boyfriend. If they are forced to admit that she actually made a choice they will say that she was forced into it by economic circumstances or something.

  10. Johnno

    Richard Greene

    Who gives a F about what a bunch of sex addict child genociders think is “stupid”?

    And if someone kills you with a cyanide pill, or an MRna shot, is that okay? So long as it’s government approved?

    I’m with Rudolph. The pro-lifers are good people who want to exercise lenient mercy, but there are some upon whom even God knows mercy is wasted. It would then be an exercise in mercy to execute justice upon them in this life so that they don’t have to pay for it in the next, where if they’d only known what was in store, they would have begged to have been punished back on Earth. Therefore there is only one solution.

    Murder Convictions for all un-coerced women, and their male and female accomplices. Minimum 10 years. Possibility of pardon or parole if they demonstrated public regret and repentence and serious pro-life activity at least 1 year prior to arrest.

    Public Nuremberg-style trials for all co-conspirator ‘professional’ practitioners, politicians, judges, lawyers, medical staff, accountants, bankers, large public donors, and ‘just-following-orders’ police officers and private camp security guards. Minimum Sentence of 10 years. Maximum Sentence of Life or Death Penalty by public hanging.

    Impossible? Madness? We’ll see! If it was good enough for the Nazis and garden variety serial killers, then it’s good enough for these.

    Oh, and sentence the stupid Republican’ts with them.

  11. C-Marie

    This is judgment time due to unrepentant sin. Much will be better for awhile, but then it is pretty much over for a time. Vote as led of by the Holy Sporit. Stay close in Jesus, wholly trusting God our Father in all things.

    God bless, C-Marie

  12. Richard Greene

    A rigid abortion position is preventing Republicans from getting political power, and without that power, thire position on abortion is just gum flapping.

    If you want to be consistent on abortion, then all abortions and Plan B style abortions must be illegal. No exceptions.

    If abortion is considered to be murder, then no abortions can be allowed. This issue is why a majority of American women support Democrats.

    Your religion is not my religion

    Your rigid no compromise abortion position is the best way to keep Republicans out of government positions

    Rape = no abortions?

    Incest = No abortions?

    Contraceptive failure = No abortions?

    Unintended pregnancies under the influence of alcohol or weed, whether considered to be “date rape”, or not = No abortions?

    Woman lies to man about being protected = No abortions?

    Consistency on abortions means few Republicans in power.

    If you really love life, then do you still eat meat?

    Do you think bull fighting should be illegal?

    Or does animal life not matter to you?

    Did you protest the US genocide in Iraq — a nation that did NOT participate in 9/11, but was treated as if they did? That was hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilian deaths for nothing. But most Americans celebrated those Iraqi deaths. The same hypocrites who think a first trimester abortion is murder.

  13. cdquarles

    All abortions are homicide. The question becomes under what conditions said homicide is justified; just like not all homicides in other circumstances are called murder.

  14. Johnno

    A rigid abortion position is preventing Republicans from getting political power, and without that power, thire position on abortion is just gum flapping.

    I agree. Gum-flapping is what Republican’ts do. Today’s Democrat Loon represents the Republican’t of tomorrow. Everything from child-murder to euthanasia to genital-destructive body mutilation surgery for pretend-gender-play to pedophilia and so on. Who cares if this lot continues to lose? There is only one party with a good cop/bad cop schtick.

    If you want to be consistent on abortion, then all abortions and Plan B style abortions must be illegal. No exceptions.


    If abortion is considered to be murder, then no abortions can be allowed. This issue is why a majority of American women support Democrats.

    Who cares? As far as Democrats are concerned, “women” as a category don’t exist. The definition, like reality, is flexible.

    Your religion is not my religion

    Well, my religion is true. Consider joining it before you drop dead.

    Your rigid no compromise abortion position is the best way to keep Republicans out of government positions

    Good. F’em.

    Rape = no abortions?

    Incest = No abortions?

    Contraceptive failure = No abortions?




    Unintended pregnancies under the influence of alcohol or weed, whether considered to be “date rape”, or not = No abortions?

    Yes. Kill the rapist.

    Woman lies to man about being protected = No abortions?

    Yes. Fellas should only be screwing their wives, open to life, always. No condoms. Can’t afford kids? Stop using your wife as a masturbatory outlet, get a hobby.

    Consistency on abortions means few Republicans in power.

    Inconsistency on abortion means there are two Democrat parties.

    If you really love life, then do you still eat meat?


    Do you think bull fighting should be illegal?

    No opinion. I can take it or leave it. But the bull will be eaten.

    Or does animal life not matter to you?

    Not anywhere on the level of human life.

    Did you protest the US genocide in Iraq — a nation that did NOT participate in 9/11, but was treated as if they did? That was hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilian deaths for nothing. But most Americans celebrated those Iraqi deaths. The same hypocrites who think a first trimester abortion is murder.

    Yes I did. But this is a false equivalency. Most Americans were stupidly fooled into believing that the Iraqi government was responsible for direct terrorism and planning on using dangerous weapons. Assuming the premise was true, it would be more sensible to consider war.

    But what about you? Are you against holding the Republican’t war criminals accountable? You continue voting for mass-murderers? You continue championing that POS party?

    Little wonder then, that you want them to green-stamp murdering more innocent children. Reconsider what you actually stand for, Richard. Whatever religion you are subscribed to, it is obviously a sex cult that worships the Devil.

  15. I have been a proud atheist for the past 64 years and a political libertarian since 1973. I opposed the attack on Iraq in writing and lost a lot of subscribers to my former newsletter ECONOMIC LOGIC as a result. I voted ONLY libertarian after 1972, with only ONE exception: I voted for Trump in 2020 because Biden was so corrupt and so far left. I favor legal abortions in the first trimester, as do most Americans. A political party that loses elections is a meaningless political party. A political party that is rigid on abortions and can not compromise in any way is not a party for me. Or for s majority of Americans.

  16. Johnno

    A political party that loses elections is a meaningless political party. A political party that is rigid on abortions and can not compromise in any way is not a party for me. Or for s majority of Americans.

    You’ll find no disagreement from me.

    But elections deciding on how and when to kill innocent human beings already tell me that America is not a country worth preserving. Therefore, any policies on war are moot. If we can kill innocent human beings for the purposes of irresponsible fornication, then all murder is up for debate. And with Euthanasia now a growing thing, an option pushed currently in Canada and Europe as a legitimate option to actual medical care, it’s only a matter of time until Republican’ts have to consider how many voter percentage points will roll off the table if they don’t offer some nice accommodations.

    I wonder how many trimesters into old age, or standard level of physicality the government will consider for the rest of us to be worth preserving? Perhaps you and the Republican’ts and other Conservatives can barter for us the best compromised deal possible, then 4 years later lower the bar some more, rinse, repeat. After all, given children are such a burden, it’s just as much a drain on one’s personal life and resources to look after larger elderly stubborn parents with dementia, or that Iraqi War Veteran husband whose legs are blown off and screams in the night from phantom pain syndrome requiring you to wake up and rock him to sleep. Why suffer their burdens?

    Just euthanize all disabled War Veterans while we’re at it, they signed up to kill and die anyway. Consider it a part of the package deal along with the sex-change operations.

  17. Hagfish Bagpipe

    Richard Greene: “Did you protest the US genocide in Iraq — a nation that did NOT participate in 9/11, but was treated as if they did? That was hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilian deaths for nothing. But most Americans celebrated those Iraqi deaths. The same hypocrites who think a first trimester abortion is murder.”

    You’re right about that. Wrong about the abortion issue, but who isn’t wrong now and then? I mean, besides me and Briggs. And I’m not so sure about Briggs.

  18. Rudolph Harrier

    Just imagine, if the Republicans weren’t able to get into power by ignoring the abortion issue, they might not be able to sign off on aid packages to Ukraine and funding bills for the military that include mandatory wokeness training.

  19. Johnno

    It is even dumber than that gentlemen.

    Dear Richard’s entire pitch is that pro-lifers ought to comprise on our major issue – Abortion.

    But Richy has his own personal red line – War – and as he admits, he is perfectly willing to toss his vote away to a 3rd party, a useless party, one that can’t win elections, because libertarian ‘rigidity’ – his words, his proud atheistic logic – when it suits him.

    Richy ain’t compromising! But the rest of you should! Because that helps Richy!

    Clap for him! Cheer louder! Once it finally sinks in, he’ll someday be completely one of us! Not voting default Republican’t/Con-Servitude, until maybe someone particular shows up that might be worth taking a chance on!

    MAGA, likewise is, like Richard, only showing up for Trump. Not Republican’tism. Hence why Republican’ts lose, but Trump wins!

    Democrat sluts are stupid. They will always vote to keep the child massacre legal, even if it means biological men taking over their spaces, even raping them in prison, but at least they can abort! Pity them not when the time comes to prosecute them. Their time is limited and they know it. Which is why they religiously proselytize their atheistic hedonism to your still living children.

  20. For those who think that Trump from 2016 to 2020 was so great, think again.

    Slowest average Real GDP growth (1%) since Herbert Hoover

    Massive government deficits in 2020 ans 2021 fiscal years, that led to the higest consumer inflation rate in 40 years. These budgets were signed by Trump, NOT Biden. And Republicans controlling the senate.

    High government spending in 2018 and 2019 BEFORE massive Covid stimulus spending.

    Trump gave Fauci and Birx massive face time on TV to scare the American public about Covid in 2020 and scaring them into Covid shots in 2021.

    Trump financed the rushed, irrational development of the Covid vaccine, that not surprisingly turned out to be unsafe and ineffective.

    CO2 remained a “pollutant” according to the Trump EPA, and Trump has never made even one intelligent statement on climate science in his entire life.

    Trump’s unhinged bellowing about 2020 election fraud, and encouraging a riot on January 6, 2021, happened years before enough evidence had been collected to understand the primary methods of fraud in the 2020 election.

    I like women too much to force them to carry a baby they do not want for nine months. Only rigid religious extremists have that election losing position. Of course, abortions in the second and third trimester of a pregnancy are not the same as abortions in the first trimester.

    The men who want to force “their women” to give birth seem to be the same men who want their wives to stay at home, cleaning, washing, dusting and cooking all their meals … when they are not busy taking care of their many children, which may include home schooling them to avoid leftist indoctrination in schools. These dominating men want their wives to be their galley slaves, sort of in the Muslim tradition.

  21. Rex8or Legitimax Prime

    “A rigid abortion position is preventing Republicans from getting political power, and without that power, thire position on abortion is just gum flapping.
    If you want to be consistent on abortion, then all abortions and Plan B style abortions must be illegal. No exceptions.
    If abortion is considered to be murder, then no abortions can be allowed. This issue is why a majority of American women support Democrats.

    Your religion is not my religion
    Your rigid no compromise abortion position is the best way to keep Republicans out of government positions

    Rape = no abortions?

    Incest = No abortions?

    Contraceptive failure = No abortions?

    Unintended pregnancies under the influence of alcohol or weed, whether considered to be “date rape”, or not = No abortions?
    Woman lies to man about being protected = No abortions?
    Consistency on abortions means few Republicans in power.
    If you really love life, then do you still eat meat?
    Do you think bull fighting should be illegal?
    Or does animal life not matter to you?”

    Nature gets rid of 25% of conceptions, probably more. The prospect of being bought into the world by an exceedingly unfortunate drug addicted girl who finds themselves the virtual property of the obnoxious violent pimp that hires her out to all & sundry for use as seen fit would fill me with dread & I would welcome nature’s intervention in putting a stop to any further development & if the unfortunate girl managed to do it with a pill or whatever with reasonable haste that would also be very much welcomed.
    Life has no inherent sanctity.
    A two cells foetus is no different to a skin cell that’s about to be dispensed with in the same way that two people who got together & were capable of having 5 children but had no children are not guilty of killing 5 potential human beings, no, they just bought some Labrador puppies instead.

  22. Either abortion is murder or it isn’t. Either euthanasia is murder or it isn’t. They don’t become something else because it’s politically convenient to pretend otherwise. As for abortion being a vote defining issue, the actual problem which everyone here is apparently blind to is women having the vote. The abortion issue is one of the many reasons why women should not have the vote. This is linked to the problem that universal franchise has made the power of government universal and unlimited. Political power grows from the barrel of a gun and only a subset of the population is capable intellectually and morally of governing. The underlying axiomatic issue that needs to be resolved is how to identify and give power to the people morally and intellectually capable of wielding it to the benefit of humanity. Maybe that super-intelligent AGI that’s “just around the corner” will square that circle for us, rather than unleashing the swarms of T800 and hunter-killer drones, but I wouldn’t bet on it.

  23. Hagfish Bagpipe

    Johnno — good stuff.

  24. Rex8or Legitimax Prime

    *** Either abortion is murder or it isn’t. Either euthanasia is murder or it isn’t. ***

    Sometimes, what might be classed as an abortion procedure can in reality simply be an unavoidable life saving surgical procedure.

    Euthanasia can be similar, it’s sometimes unavoidable due to straight forward avoidance of an exceedingly inhumane alternative.

  25. Steve

    @Rex8or, I get that you think being born to a drug-addicted prostitute is worse than not being born at all, and Even though I disagree, and would try to talk you out of it, ultimately, I’m OK with you deciding that for yourself. But you damned well do not get to decide that for anyone else.

    If you think of yourself as nothing more than a clump of cells, again, I disagree, but I don’t dispute that under an atheist worldview, you have the “right” to dispose of yourself in the nearest biohazard container. But if you have the right to make that determination, so does everyone else, without your permission.

  26. Johnno

    It’s okay Richard, criticize 3rd Trimester- Trump away! He’s for abortion too!

    Tell ya what! We’ll consider tolerating some abortion, if you can tell us what Trimester level of boming runs and depleted uranium rounds and chemical procedural methods you are willing to allow for the significant percentage of voters who need war as a means of economic necessity, or just the right to feel good, upon the less developed fetal civilizations out there who are still in their third or second world stages of development.

    Many of their woman cells are still stuck in the kitchens and reproducing children, when they could be single dead cells in debt for college tuitions in activist studies, feminist theater, degrees in pole dancing, and contributing to the carbon tax via their labor for the good of the atheist state, which promises to pay for the abortions and contraceptives and experimental mRna shots as part of their happiness package.

    There may even be a choir and slice of cake at their bedside as the masked female nurses and doctors dance-dance-dance as they unplug the machinery she is dependant on. No need for any family present, the company of her gendered and trans-gendered peers is sufficient. And we can bring all this freedom to the rest of the world too! Once we’ve bombed the shit out of them for their religious rigidity!

    So what trimester of war is reasonable, Richard? Let’s start the negotiating over what civilizational stages are okay to terminate! There are all these barefoot male chauvinistic hunter gatherer face painting tribes of Africans we can start with. We could call ourselves Planned Nationhood!

  27. @Rex8or you are coming up with the BS “cite me the peer reviewed studies” nonsense all leftists trot out. I’m old enough to remember someone coming out with statistics to show abortion was always safer for the woman than going to full term. Originally abortion was sneaked in on corner cases and then slippery slope / boiling frog we get where we are today. The number of circumstances where a pregnancy represents a clear and present danger to the life of the mother, in a manner analogous to killing someone for self defence is tiny. As for your euthanasia “argument” that’s an appeal to saying it’s OK to murder someone when it’s convenient, do you read what you type did you mean in fact mean to say something else less stupid and childish? I vote we euthanize @Rex8or for being so feeble-minded, that was fashionable at one time.

  28. Rex8or Legitimax Prime

    nature already disposes of 25% of foetuses, probably more, with no decisions made by any person.
    It seems nature itself has some concern regarding what is produced.
    The decisions made by those involved regarding not proceeding with an apparent pregnancy is in fact just another aspect of nature doing it’s job.
    You can’t argue with nature Steve.
    I remember coming across an individual who thought couples should be forced to have children & then changed it to healthy women should be forced to have children before abandoning the idea on listening to a long list of issues.
    Let’s take a couple – they can attempt to have children but they don’t. Are they murdering potential human beings.
    I haven’t stated my views on abortion by the way, I’m describing reality.

  29. Rex8or Legitimax Prime

    John Pate
    You ckearly didn’t understand what I wrote John.
    Try reading it again please.
    I think in the more prosperous & industrialised areas of the world about 0.75% of people will eventually slaughter themselves, they don’t do that for fun.

  30. Rex8or Legitimax Prime

    The expectant mother, in dire circumstances with significant problems, is the person who gets to decide & that decision would be an expression of nature, if nature itself hasn’t already decided & dictated the termination beforehand by a biochemical process.
    Something like 0.75% of people actually slaughter themselves & some of those will of course be pregnant women in dire circumstances dealing with significant problems.

  31. Rex8or Legitimax Prime

    During my lifetime, in the UK, half a million people in the UK will slaughter themselves.

  32. Rex8or Legitimax Prime

    John Pate.
    You can’t decide it should be legal for you to slaughter people simply because they said something you don’t like John. There’s a difference between being feeble minded & simply disagreeing with the person making the accusation of feeblemindedness on some matter of contention isn’t there I would have thought John hmmm?

    Your most humble servant, am I. & will remain.


  33. Rex8or Legitimax Prime

    I think it’s possible that in the UK, during my lifetime, about 3.5 million peoplewill have died due to the long term administration of pain killers & sedatives during the course of serious illness.

    My command is always as your wish,


  34. Rex8or Legitimax Prime

    ….”get that you think being born to a drug-addicted prostitute is worse than not being born at all, and Even though I disagree, and would try to talk you out of it, ultimately, I’m OK with you deciding that for yourself. But you damned well do not get to decide that for anyone else.
    If you think of yourself as nothing more than a clump of cells, again, I disagree, but I don’t dispute that under an atheist worldview, you have the “right” to dispose of yourself in the nearest biohazard container. But if you have the right to make that determination, so does everyone else, without your permission.”……

    Many people have to make relevant decisions & can end up effectively having to end other people’s & animals lives all the time every where for all sorts of reasons.
    The fact that particular people do these perfectly normal things doesn’t give others the right to start slaughtering the particular people involved does it.

    Its a normal part of living & life.

  35. Rex8or Legitimax Prime

    & of course it goes without saying doesn’t it, the existence of the planet & the universe is a direct & significant threat to my personal well being as a conscious entity.
    Whose to say what might happen to my conscious self in some future existence.
    On that basis then the only sensible thing to do is to destroy everything isn’t it, it all involves so much cruelty it’s obviously a serious act of extreme criminality to allow it to continue.
    A constellation arrangement of two stage thermonuclear devices around a heavy final stage core might be able to destroy the planet so that’s a start, just destroying the planet that is.
    Anyways If I figure out how to do that I’ll do it & –
    ** my will, will be done **
    Your most faithful & loyal servant am I & will always remain,

  36. Steve

    @Rex, “teve
    nature already disposes of 25% of foetuses, probably more, with no decisions made by any person.
    It seems nature itself has some concern regarding what is produced.
    The decisions made by those involved regarding not proceeding with an apparent pregnancy is in fact just another aspect of nature doing it’s job.
    You can’t argue with nature Steve.”

    Non sequitur. Just because some people will die of cancer does not mean others have any “right” to go around slaughtering.

    @Rex, “Many people have to make relevant decisions & can end up effectively having to end other people’s & animals lives all the time every where for all sorts of reasons.
    The fact that particular people do these perfectly normal things doesn’t give others the right to start slaughtering the particular people involved does it.

    Its a normal part of living & life.”

    And you are OK with that? Someone going nuts with a machete is all well and good because it’s a normal part of living and life? Golly, “libertarian” means something drastically different your side of the pond.

  37. Rex8or Legitimax Prime

    Yes Steve, people get cancer, & then they sometimes get slaughtered by health professionals because they got cancer, it happens Steve, its happened to my relatives.
    Nature terminates foetuses, yes Steve it means that must be considered when we find that foetus carrying women decide to terminate foetuses or terminate themselves & the foetus for various reasons.
    Does any of this have anything to do with a machete wielding maniac trying to chop the heads of children at a local school, no Steve it really doesn’t, it’s very simple Steve.
    Your most humble servant always.

  38. Rudolph Harrier

    Rex8or is proof that not only does being pro-baby killing deaden your soul, it also damages your brain.

    You can explain to him a million times that a baby dying of natural causes in no way justifies murdering another baby, but it will never get through. If logic stands in the way of baby killing, he will ignore logic.

  39. Rex8or Legitimax Prime

    Rudolph’s Harrier is a clear indication that there are people around who are devoid of both humanity & the ability to use simple logic & reason & take account of straight forward reality?

    **”Rex8or is proof that not only does being pro-baby killing deaden your soul, it also damages your brain.
    You can explain to him a million times that a baby dying of natural causes in no way justifies murdering another baby, but it will never get through. If logic stands in the way of baby killing, he will ignore logic.”**

    A 2 cell foetus that has a good chance of being destroyed by natural & very necessary processes isn’t a baby. In biological terms it’s more like a possibly dangerous cancerous tumor or harmful parasite, a bit like in Alien.
    The 2 cell foetus in question, at that stage, is nothing more than a part of the person it exists in.
    The foetus carrying person can slaughter themselves & end themselves & the development of the foetus part of themselves at any stage of development. The facts must be considered & cannot be ignored.
    To ignore these facts is in fact possibly engaging in significant levels of cruelty & murder factually speaking. That’s a fact.
    This is all in fact fairly easy to understand basic logic Rudolph isn’t it? The logic of our reality Rudolph.
    Don’t send to find for whom this logic of our reality sings its mournful song Rudolph, it sings for thee & us & all of wretched humanity.
    So, my brain & soul are very much functioning & I rather like the idea of hanging people who are found guilty of cruelty to puppies in the courts of law etc & do stuff like that.

    Now then, about some other stuff that needs dealing with?

    Hudbwu & others.“We can prove god exists”
    Along with your abysmal failure to prove that free will is a real thing & your unmitigated failure to prove that the hardcore sollopycistimist is actually not entirely & 100 % correct (stating that if they experience being run over by a car means cars exist etc doesn’t get anywhere near close), you’ll also need to provide proof that an almighty all powerful all knowing eternal & infinitely wise Griff (probably not wiser than the rex8or though) exists.
    If the Griff didn’t need creating then a lot of other stuff could have also always existed.All biological items always create copies of themselves that can create copies of themselves automagically, so no design or thought required for their existence.

    Your most faithful & exceedingly humble servant & gibbering troll am I & will remain always.

  40. Rex8or Legitimax Prime

    The reverse version ….. ?
    Rudolph’s Harrier is a clear indication that there are people around who are devoid of both humanity & the ability to use simple logic & reason & take account of straight forward reality?

    **”Rex8or is proof that not only does being pro-baby killing deaden your soul, it also damages your brain.
    You can explain to him a million times that a baby dying of natural causes in no way justifies murdering another baby, but it will never get through. If logic stands in the way of baby killing, he will ignore logic.”**

    A 2 cell foetus that has a good chance of being destroyed by natural & very necessary processes isn’t a baby. In biological terms it’s more like a possibly dangerous cancerous tumor or harmful parasite, a bit like in Alien.
    The 2 cell foetus in question, at that stage, is nothing more than a part of the person it exists in.
    The foetus carrying person can slaughter themselves & end themselves & the development of the foetus part of themselves at any stage of development. The facts must be considered & cannot be ignored.
    To ignore these facts is in fact possibly engaging in significant levels of cruelty & murder, factually speaking. That’s a fact.
    This is all in fact fairly easy to understand basic logic isn’t it? The logic of our reality & our humanity.
    Don’t send to find for whom this logic of our reality sings its mournful song, it sings for them & those & all of wretched humanity.
    So, our brains & souls are very much functioning & we rather like the idea of hanging people who are found guilty of cruelty to cute puppies & that sort of stuff (found guilty in the courts of law etc)

    Now then, about some other stuff that needs dealing with?

    Hudbwu & others.“We can prove god exists”
    Along with their abysmal failure to prove that free will is a real thing & their unmitigated failure to prove that the hardcore sollopycistimist is actually not entirely & 100 % correct (stating that if they experience being run over by a car means cars exist etc doesn’t get anywhere near close), they’ll also need to provide proof that an almighty all powerful all knowing eternal & infinitely wise Griff (probably not wiser than the rex8or though) exists.
    If the Griff didn’t need creating then a lot of other stuff could have also always existed.All biological items always create copies of themselves that can create copies of themselves automagically, so no design or thought required for their existence.

    Their most faithful & exceedingly humble servant & gibbering troll r us & will remain always.
    Rex8or & the team of infinite wisdom.

  41. Rex8or Legitimax Prime

    Rudolph’s Harrier is a clear indication that there are people around who are devoid of both humanity & the ability to use simple logic & reason & take account of straight forward reality?

    **”Rex8or is proof that not only does being pro-baby killing deaden your soul, it also damages your brain.
    You can explain to him a million times that a baby dying of natural causes in no way justifies murdering another baby, but it will never get through. If logic stands in the way of baby killing, he will ignore logic.”**

    You can explain to him a million times that there are much worse things that can happen to a potential living being than simply not being forcibly subjected to existence as that potential living being in the first place regardless of the circumstances.
    But that sort of simple stuff is beyond their understanding & their rules must be adhered to regardless of the possible thoroughly cruel & inhumane results.

    Always their most humble & compliant servant,
    r us.

  42. Rex8or Legitimax Prime

    I think we can all see clearly from the study that the unfortunate rats subjected to the enforced study protocols torture procedures simply exhibited increased risk taking behaviour such as remaining in open spaces more often & being more likely to take treats in riskier situations. Looks like the administered medical violence procedures simply made the torture victims more adventurous some how.
    It’s not clear how this results in the specific claim from Joeknows that the related people’s treatment results in specifically ‘Lefties’ being transformed into ‘Retarded (Jackasses)?’
    Your most humble servant always, r us, & will remain.
    Rex8or & the team at your service.

  43. Rex8or Legitimax Prime

    We can clearly see here a slight problem with JoeKnows thinking skills which can’t be corrected by simply pointing out facts regarding reality. It looks likely the prosecuted perverts would be more likely, if they could get away with it, to be involved in running people farming prison operations involving forced impregnation during torture & full term pregnancy without choice & where the products are fairly valuable long term rape & torture subjects, maybe to be slaughtered & portioned up & put in the freezer when at a decent adult weight.
    Your utterly dependable & exceedingly humble servant always, am I.

  44. Max

    “In biological terms it’s more like a possibly dangerous cancerous tumor or harmful parasite” no that would seem to be a pretty clear misunderstanding of biology.

    “The facts must be considered & cannot be ignored.
    To ignore these facts is in fact possibly engaging in significant levels of cruelty & murder, factually speaking. That’s a fact.” by murder you mean killing as a means or end directly and intentionally a human? murder would seem to talk of value not simply fact.

    “Nature terminates foetuses, yes Steve it means that must be considered when we find that foetus carrying women decide to terminate foetuses or terminate themselves & the foetus for various reasons.”

    “to a potential living being” by being you mean a statue?

    “All biological items always create copies of themselves that can create copies of themselves automagically, so no design or thought required for their existence.” based on an appeal to a brain or mind composed absent thought, seems an improbable theory of mind. Though perhaps you don’t think you are a biological item.

    If nature is all nature terminates all humans. “The foetus carrying person can slaughter themselves & end themselves & the development of the foetus part of themselves at any stage of development.” the young human is not part of the woman. her heart is part of her. the violinist argument is not new and makes this clear.

  45. Max

    Rex8or Legitimax Prime

    Do you mean to say human rights by virtue of being human are religion?

  46. Rex8or Legitimax Prime

    It seems Max has lost the argument & has nothing sensible to say? is that the case or what eh?
    Is life worth any cost no matter how terrible?? Hmm?
    Your most humble, willing and faithful servant, I most assuredly will remain, for all time & beyond.
    Rex8orly yours.

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