The Courage To Open Fire

The Courage To Open Fire

Like the works of David Irving, you will never find Jean Raspail’s The Camp of the Saints on one of those Banned Books displays so beloved of the women (and it always seems to be women) who run bookstores and libraries. And the reason is simple: these books have been banned.

In polite society, that is. Among the bien pensant. So dangerous is Camp of the Saints that the holder of the English-language copyright actively suppresses the book, lest it find its way into the hands of, well, you. Hard copies are hard to find. But you can, with minimal searching, get bootlegs online.

Because this book has received many excellent reviews, noted below and which I insist that you read, I’ll review its plot as briefly as possible.

Aided and abetted by the French Church, rulers, elite and the intelligentsia, an armada of “migrants” is about to invade France. Alas, the magic of the French soil does not convert them to Frenchmen; they instead remain foreigners and they turn the country into the hellholes from which they had escaped.

The French elite feel (not think) that this fate is what the native French deserve. Yet the elite somehow believe their saintly acts of welcoming the entire world will be repaid and the utopia of Equality will be instituted. In the end, and to their great surprise, their reward is to have their throats slit.

Here is the key for us, from the review by Charles Haywood:

As the “Last Chance Armada,” so dubbed by sympathetic talking heads, approaches France, the government does nothing but wring its hands, while offering worthless words about the ancient grandeur of the nation. Much of the book is a build-up to the crucial speech by the prime minister, right before the invaders land, to tell the nation what to do. He writes a speech in which he orders resistance by force; but as he gives the speech, his will cracks, and he simply tells everyone to follow his own conscience, which means nothing can or will be done to resist the invasion. Almost nobody in France, not just the elites, has the will to resist; they are all hollow men, unworthy of their ancestors, and by implication unworthy of keeping what their ancestors won and built. “For the West is empty, even if it has not yet really become aware of it. An extraordinarily inventive civilization, surely the only one capable of meeting the challenges of the third millennium, the West has no soul left.” The invaders run aground in southern France on Easter Sunday (Raspail is not particularly subtle), or at least the 800,000 who have not died on the way do, and sweep ashore.

In another review, this by Nathan Pinkoski in First Things entitled “Spiritual Death of the West“, we read of the French elite:

It was not Raspail but Jean-Paul Sartre who first envisioned the Global South invading the Global North. In his 1961 preface to Frantz Fanon’s The Wretched of the Earth, written as Charles de Gaulle was preparing to lower France’s flags in Algeria, Sartre argued that decolonization was not enough to settle the score. France and the French deserved punitive subjugation. “Our soil must be occupied by a formerly colonized people and we must starve of hunger,” he wrote.

Switch now to the southern border of the once United States last week. Here is a video of a horde of “migrants” near El Paso. The Texas National Guard, armed, stands off the horde, but only for a moment. There are only a handful of soldiers, and an army of “migrants”. The “migrants” push the Guard aside, and rush the border.

Not a shot is fired.

There were shots fired in the Summer of Floyd riots. Which, following Sartre, our elites encouraged and abetted. Stay inside!, they warned, because the coronadoom will kill you dead if you fail to obey social distancing. Unless you were rioting, Experts insisted, which conferred immunity.

The shots fired in 2020 were from members of Black Larcenous Marauders and other criminals in a murderous “mostly peaceful” sprees, which were welcomed and cheered. No looters were shot.

Yet there was one other notable incident of shots being fired. By young Kyle Rittenhouse, who, doing what officials refused, rid the world of some “antifa”.

And there was, even, a shot fired in Camp of the Saints. As Pinkoski retells it:

Indeed, the first shots fired are white-on-white violence. As the novel begins, the armada of migrants arrives on the French shore. A retired professor in his seaside cottage looks on. He is accosted by a young white miscreant who mouths a version of Sartre’s declaration. The other villagers have fled, but the professor, a representative of high culture who is determined to defend his home and his way of life, stands his ground. The youth vows to lead a band of migrants to pillage the professor’s home. The professor collects his rifle, never before used in anger, and shoots him.

The professor and Rittenhouse have in common the same thing, the thing lacking everywhere else: the courage to open fire.

The phrase is from C. Northcote Parkinson (of Parkinson’s Law fame), from his neglected classic The Evolution of Political Thought.

Parkinson shows how political systems inevitably evolve, starting well with some form on truly elite rule, and devolving into (as Aristotle agrees) the worst state, that of democracy. Democracies end badly, usually in dictatorship or (in a more current phrase) leftist singularities and civil war.

With my emphasis:

Civil War of this kind seems likely to produce dictatorship in any case; nor do dictatorships of different origin differ from each other as much as might be supposed. For the dictator, in the last resort, is not so much a master of intrigue and cruelty as a man with sufficient moral courage to open fire

Governments which collapse when mobbed are usually lacking not weapons but courage. At some point in a situation of growing disorder someone must give the order to fire or charge. In a capital city — with the certainty that half the casualties will be innocent bystanders — this requires a fair amount of courage, it is easiest for a foreigner, a Prince Rupert, a Napoleon, a General Dyer; and easier still if the troops are also foreign — Scottish mercenaries in Paris, Swiss mercenaries in Rome or German mercenaries in Algiers.

Everybody remembers the “whiff of grapeshot” used by Napoleon to end the madness in France. None of our rulers, that we know of anyway, have that kind of courage.

As long as we’re drawing from fiction, and because there is a slew of commentators on the soft right who say it is our Christian “duty” to let everyone in who wants in, even if it swamps the lifeboat and kills everybody, it’s well to recall the 1951 movie When Worlds Collide .

Briefly, the earth is about to be destroyed by a star-planet combination that will sweep past the earth, the star consuming our home, though the star’s planet will survive. An eccentric wealthy man funds a rocket ship that will carry a handful of carefully selected people to the new plant. The compound where the rocket is built is fenced off and secured by men with guns supplied by the wealthy man.

There is no angst about Diversity or Equality in picking the crew, but there is great concern about the number, because weight equals fuel, which is sorely limited. Only a few can go. And there is no doubt: the earth will be destroyed. This is it. The end.

Some get to go and live, the rest have to stay and die. A lottery, which all agree to, is used to make the choice.

As the ship is sealed, the compound is besieged. And those inside who lost the lottery, about to be left behind, awaken to their coming fate. One man shouts, “And why should our lives be decided by a raffle! It could have been fixed!” Another says, “It should have been done by voting!” They rush the ship, hoping by violence to secure passage.

But some men guarding the ship have the courage to open fire.

And mankind is saved.

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  1. RussO

    Our military presence should have been removed from Europe shortly after the end of the Cold War, and those resources instead utilized to militarize our southern border. We are betrayed.

  2. McChuck

    In order to prevail, one must fight. In order to fight, one must identify one’s opponents.
    If you aren’t willing to be called a racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobe, transphobe, whatever, you aren’t yet ready to fight. You you believe “A man can give birth”, you aren’t ready for this fight. If you believe one in three teenage girls is naturally bi, gay, or trans, you aren’t ready for this fight. If you believe “sudden onset gender dysphoria” is natural, you aren’t ready for this fight. If you’re cutting back to prevent glowbull warning, you aren’t yet ready for this fight.

    Get your mind in the right place. We won WWII with a population of 120 million White, Christian Americans.
    Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.

    Know that you’re definitely going to suffer, and probably going to die. Know that this doesn’t matter in the slightest, for every man owes a death. Know that the preservation of the future of your people is the highest possible calling. Know that the only way to ensure this is to place your body in front of them, your face set to the enemy. Know that you must have the will to do what is unpleasant but necessary.

    The future lies on the other side of oceans of tears, rivers of blood, and mountains of skulls. Your choice is simple. Whose shall they be, your enemy’s, or your people’s?

  3. JerryR

    All this is to provoke a firing so the left can then say, the reaction is proof that guns should be seized.

    Everything in the last few years has been a provocation so the normal person has only two options. Stand aside and let it happen. Or react to protect yourself and provide the evidence the left wants to shut down any resistance. They can approve any violence for their cause they want but any form of self defense is forbidden. So far all the violence comes from one side but that is sanctioned or in most cases ignored.

    The southern border problem would stop tomorrow if a few migrants were shot. Not one of them wants to risk death to get in. But we are not allowed to use force to stop them.

    Aside: have you ever seen a sane liberal willing to die for their beliefs?

  4. It’s not just the courage to open fire that is requisite, it’s also the sense not to stand around afterwards waiting for a pat on the back, but rather to scarper off before the echoes of the shots fade, and long before The Authorities come sniffing around to see who’s been Naughty, and thus live to open fire another day.

    If one has the wit to make the volley appear to have come from another of one’s enemies, and create second-order collateral damage to them, so much the better.

    Nota bene: You will see this material again.

  5. JH

    Solzhenitsyn’s “200 Years Together” (Never translated into English officially), is another one of those banned books that everyone should read.

  6. > Aside: have you ever seen a sane liberal willing to die for their beliefs?

    I presume anybody willing to die for “liberal” ideals is insane? (Note: “liberal” actually means “American conservative”, it’s just that USA is founded on liberalism and it runs so deep that Americans don’t even realize they are all liberals. So they use the term “liberal” incorrectly. But I phrased my question using this incorrect terminology, so that we could have a convo.)

  7. Berglander

    “Get your mind in the right place. We won WWII with a population of 120 million White, Christian Americans.”

    We didn’t win anything. The communists did, and their infection has merely spread.

  8. > Get your mind in the right place. We won WWII with a population of 120 million White, Christian Americans.
    Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.

    Yes, please get your mind in the right place. SOVIETS won WW2, you were just a sideshow… in the European theater. I’m not sure about the Pacific theater, but I do seem to recall Chinese killed an awful lot of Japanese. In fact, one third of Japanese military dead were by Chinese hand, I just checked.

    So yes, get your mind in the right place. Learn history. Have the courage to let the actual facts deflate your ego.

  9. Mike in Canada

    From JerryR: All this is to provoke a firing so the left can then say, the reaction is proof that guns should be seized.

    Thus, the next set of targets. This doesn’t end with the first volley, but with the last. Let the left do whatever it will. Proven faithless and treasonous, of what use are their protestations?

  10. My immediate response is along the lines of “so stop whining and fire that shot” but, of course, that’s intemperate.

    The temperate response is to say that the number of American deaths attributable to the left’s takeover of the United States will rise exponentially with time – if the republic gives way to the feudal state and it takes 40+ years before the next revolution I’d expect the total to be similar to that produced by the soviets – in the 1E8 range -while immediate action on the prescription for success I published in 2021 (see paul530 on substack) would have produced no, or very few, casualties (and is still viable).

  11. Hagfish Bagpipe

    Berglander, that was my thought, too — we didn’t win WWII, we lost, as we lost WWI, tricked into fighting needless wars by a demonic force that was even then laying the foundation for this mighty Globalist edifice of corruption, built on the ruins of our modest Republic, which we foolishly sacrificed for peanuts. And the commies lost, too, with their absurd dreams of utopian empire collapsing like a spent ponzi, the poor fools. Even the Esquimeaux, those supposed superhuman puppetmasters orchestrating the mayhem, go from one disaster to the next, blind to their own contributions to chaos, the poor fools. Sure, there’s some bad dudes who delight in wickedness, but mostly it’s just deceived or thoughtless or sinful schlubs like us, well-intentioned boobs, listening to demonic whispers, and busy paving the road to hell. If we shot all the miscreants we’d all be dead.

    Which is not to say we shouldn’t be defending our borders, shooting trespassers, and jailing criminals. That’s normal. But simply doing that won’t fix the reasons we find ourselves in this pickle. There is a spiritual dimension that is not addressed by blowing away annoying people. We might not vote our way out but we surely won’t shoot our way out — who are you going to shoot? — that guy down the street with a “Biden” sign? Your crazy blue-haired niece? Soros? Bad fruit, perhaps, but none of those people are at the root of the problem. You take them out they’d be replaced and you’d be the bad guy adding to the world’s woes.

    “Our battle is not flesh and blood but the principalities and powers of darkness”. That dark power likes nothing more than getting us at each others’ throats. And he’s an expert at doing it, knowing all our weaknesses, our sins, baiting his traps with money, power, sex, drugs, revenge — the usual stupid demoralizing stuff which we fall for all the time. The dark power took us over without firing a shot. He out “Sun Tzu-ed” us. If we were to re-moralize we could take it back without firing a shot. Wasn’t that what Jesus was banging on about?

  12. Incitadus

    Most men won’t die for freedom but they will for food; you can clearly see the outlines
    of a plan to destroy and control agriculture it’s the fifteen thousand year old nuclear option.
    We all got our first taste of empty store shelves in America during lockdown…call it a primer.
    “When the table is full there are many thoughts when it is empty there is but one.” Chinese proverb

    And then there’s human nature itself…
    “Where is it I’ve read that someone condemned to death says or thinks, an hour before his death, that if he had to live on some high rock, on such a narrow ledge that he’d only room to stand, and the ocean, everlasting darkness, everlasting solitude, everlasting tempest around him, if he had to remain standing on a square yard of space all his life, a thousand years, eternity, it were better to live so than to die at once. Only to live, to live and live! Life, whatever it may be!” Fyodor Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment

    “The Truth in Hell” JH devil of a time getting a copy.
    “Imperium” is another one you might call it the original banned book.

  13. vitamin donuts

    “Not a shot is fired.”

    how do we know the national guard troops were issued live ammo?

  14. Johnno

    You’d need the courage to open fire several times.

    Not just at the invaders, but the “authorities” who’ll come for you, the politicians holding their leash, the half of the population and shady press braying for your blood and don’t care about the consequences.

    Like the first missile fired, the shooting on all sides will begin and therefore once the first round is fired, true victory means it can’t stop, and the number of your own countrymen dead will outnumber the invaders by necessity. The invaders at least know when it becomes suicidal, the insane left do not. We don’t call them the “culture of death” for nothing. Suicide is built in to every one of their pillars. They may not all realize it, from contraception, to abortion, to sodomy, to DIE, to Climate Hoax, to vexxines, economic stupidity, provoking Russia, etc. but that is what they are all addicted to. The vultures outside can smell the carcass, and are gathering.

  15. Peter Ward

    It’s your POLITICIANS that are the treason and the threat to America and their voters
    Not a foreign power, but your neighbors that made this possible

  16. Johnno

    There is another card that can be played before shooting.


    The sane states ought to throw off the federal government, and just divert the invaders to those states that really claim to want them.

    But Americans are too religiously devoted to their nationalistic deity to take necessary steps to survive.

    Heck, they could even save the entire world by separating, as the Israelis would seek to wind down their Gaza attacks with their American financier
    gone, and Rusdia will continue to be patient and let things play out with NATO in disarray, unless Macron and the UK decide ti run things, in ehich case at least they can pay for it and take the brunt of it.

    Complacent About Replacement

    Judge Tosses Challenge, Upholds Law Allowing ‘Noncitizens’ To Vote In DC

    Undocumented Immigrants Have Right to Own Guns, Judge Rules

    Poetically related:
    Germany: 5 Pakistani Family Members Arrested After Setting Fire To Their Own Home And Then Blaming ‘Nazis’

    “The Pakistani family was described as “well-integrated” by the town’s left-wing mayor. Now, they are accused of burning down their own house for insurance money…”

  17. Sean

    It will commence, and it won’t end till one side or another decides they’ve had enough. Kill enough of them, and they’ll stop coming. I love the allusions to a secession, or some other administrative ruse. We, the sane, are opposed by the insane, and it will be killing, killing, and killing, and still more killing, until the reason for it is gone. It, the situation, and life, will be very bad, until it can be made good, by sane people. My suggestion is that those who intend to do something, except being executed by brigands, prepare yourselves and kin for what’s already in progress. Do whatever it takes. Forget negotiations.

  18. RussO

    @hudbwu: Did the Soviets “win” WWII? The Soviets started off by agreeing to more or less carve up eastern Europe between themselves and their equally pleasant friend Adolf Hitler. There’s no question but that the USSR was content to be evil twins with the Third Reich. Eventually, surprising only Soviets, the Nazi Machine turned its’ guns in their direction. Only then did the Soviets join the fight against Nazi domination, and in a brutally incompetent manner. They basically threw bodies at the Nazis and hoped that that primitive strategy, coupled with the harsh winter, would stop their cousins’ aggression.

    Had it not been for the US joining the fight in Western Europe about six months later, forcing a true two-front war, there’s little credible evidence that the USSR strategy would have resulted in their survival. So, our intervention specifically forced the Nazis to divide their attention, forces and resources, and in so doing, precluded an all out conquest of the USSR. The USSR’s eventual success in driving the Nazis out of the USSR, then Eastern Europe and finally into their own backyard, only happened because the US made their very survival possible. In that sense, the USSR no more won WWII than Great Britain did.

  19. Johnno


    History is stranger and more complicated, suggesting that Stalin intended to invade both Germany and the rest of Europe after sitting back and watching them destroy each other sufficiently.

    There is evidence that Russia was stockpiling arms and ammunition at the border and Hitler caught wind of it, necessitating the opening of a 2 front war, and using the seized Russian ammunition to it’s initial advantage to push the Soviets back, forcing them into a scorched Earth policy to destroy all that they’d left behind.

    Of course, Stalin was worried the West had it out for him too, which considering that the US later seems to have bombed Japan with atomics even as the Emperor and Japanese were engaged in surrender negotiations, heavily points to the idea that the German war was just a part of a larger long spanning conflict between the West and East.

  20. @RussO: You probably don’t know about USSR’s attempts to forge a coallition with UK and France against Nazi Germany. Because UK and France didn’t want to go for it, Soviets made a deal with the devil, so that he would leave them alone.

    > There’s no question but that the USSR was content to be evil twins with the Third Reich.

    I just called it into question. Your move.

    > They basically threw bodies at the Nazis and hoped that that primitive strategy, coupled with the harsh winter, would stop their cousins’ aggression.

    I see you too ate up Nazi post-war propaganda. It’s called the “triple alibi”, look it up when you have the time. Fortunately, some in US military eventually realized the Nazi stories don’t add up and they tasked Colonel Glantz to investigate the matter, seriously. He did and discovered Nazis were full of shit. And Americans have been listening to Nazis all those decades.

    > The USSR’s eventual success in driving the Nazis out of the USSR, then Eastern Europe and finally into their own backyard, only happened because the US made their very survival possible.

    Total number of Nazi dead on Eastern Front: 4.5 million. Total number of Axis dead: 8 million. More than HALF of all Axis dead fell from Soviet hand. Total number of Nazi dead, on Western Front: 0.6 million.

    Tell me, RussO, how can it be that USA, which killed no more than 12% of Nazis, made the survival of USSR possible? Obviously, I have numbers for when you bring up Lend-Lease. 😉

  21. RussO

    @hudbwu: “You probably don’t know about USSR’s attempts to forge a coallition (sic) with UK and France against Nazi Germany.” Great Britain and France didn’t want to enter into a pact with a country perceived as even more evil than Nazi Germany in 1939? Shocking. Recall that fascism got a LOT of good press in the West in the early stages; communism not so much. Russia was always a sort of outsider in Europe for many reasons, not the least was the East-West Schism. So, rejecting overtures from the evil, reanimated corpse of Russia should surprise no one.

    “Total number of Nazi dead on Eastern Front: 4.5 million. Total number of Axis dead: 8 million. More than HALF of all Axis dead fell from Soviet hand. Total number of Nazi dead, on Western Front: 0.6 million.” That would be a function of several factors. First, the Nazis deployed ~50% more divisions to the Eastern Front. Second, the battle for air superiority in the East was practically no battle at all: the Nazi’s dominated the Soviets. Such was not the case on the Western Front. This made the manner of warfare different on the Eastern Front than the Western.

    Third, Stalin had killed off or driven out most of the competent generals in Russia prior to WWII. The Germans subsequently cut through the Soviet Army initially in large part because of poor quality of their leadership. What slowed the Nazis down was the entrance of the US into the European theater, the scorched earth policy of the Soviets, the winter, and partisan attacks on the Nazi supply lines.

    Then, the inherently evil Uncle Joe threw bodies at the Germans. I notice you didn’t mention how many soldiers the Soviets lost. Maybe that’s because they lost horrific numbers of soldiers as a direct result of the “throw bodies at them” strategy. History is replete with stories of Soviet Soldiers being threatened with execution if they didn’t engage the Germans or tried to retreat.

    Again, the Soviets showed minimal ability to stop the Nazis until the second front was truly opened.

  22. The Infant Phenomenon

    Reply to McChuck, who wrote: “Know that you’re definitely going to suffer, and probably going to die. Know that this doesn’t matter in the slightest, for every man owes a death.”

    Which reminds me of this:

    “Then up spake brave Horatius, the Captain of the Gate:
    “‘To ev’ry man upon this earth, death cometh soon or late;
    ‘And how can man die better than facing fearful odds
    ‘For the ashes of his fathers and the temples of his gods?'”

  23. Cary D Cotterman

    hudbwu, it looks like you might be the one who needs to learn some history. For all the nutters who believe the preposterous myth that the U.S. wasn’t absolutely essential to winning WWII in both Europe and the Pacific, I wish we could go back in time and completely remove U.S. involvement in the war on any level, so you could see what the result would be.

  24. Cary D Cotterman

    vitamin doughnuts–they would know. Anyone familiar with guns can easily distinguish between live ammo and blanks, dummies, cartridges with no powder, etc.

  25. Robin

    Opening fire is not smart.

    Imagine the press and left reaction?

    “Another Jan 6th! They need the Vote! Arms for self defence! Send in the Feds! Human Rights!” etc etc.

    Picture endless victimization broadcasts by Pelosi Biden Reuters BBC CNN MSNBC NPR NYT WP The Atlantic

    Better: Sound cannons. Snake infestations. Fire ants. Hallucinogenic gas. Weapons of mass confusion.

    Do it in a comical way. Spray an aphrodisiac. Or issue cannibis brownies. Create a situation that is impossible to propagandise.

  26. > Great Britain and France didn’t want to enter into a pact with a country perceived as even more evil than Nazi Germany in 1939? Shocking.

    You might have a point here. A point about perceptions.

    > Second, the battle for air superiority in the East was practically no battle at all: the Nazi’s dominated the Soviets.

    Yet the Nazis lost ~80% of aircraft they had in theater per year, and had to replace them? Numbers come from here:

    > Such was not the case on the Western Front.

    Right. Nazis barely had any airplanes on the West.

    > This made the manner of warfare different on the Eastern Front than the Western.

    What made the manner different was the fact Nazis didn’t consider West Europeans lower creatures, and didn’t have plans to eradicate them before resettling the land. There were no extermination camps in France meant for French. There were in Poland, meant for Poles. The fight in the West wasn’t about genocide. The fight in the East was.

    > What slowed the Nazis down was the entrance of the US into the European theater, the scorched earth policy of the Soviets, the winter, and partisan attacks on the Nazi supply lines.

    I’ll let you have the scorched earth and partisans, but the other two you won’t get. Winter: by the time it started to snow, Nazis lost 20% of their force – the experienced combat element – and were unable to take Moscow… even though there were few Soviet units defending it. Then they got hit with a counter-offensive. Doesn’t quite sound like “General Winter” to me. As for the entrance of USA into the European theater… you have to be kidding me. Operation Overlord was in 1944, Stalingrad was 1942/1943, Kursk was in 1943 and Bagration (the largest combined arms operation ever) was two weeks after Overlord. Bombers started flying en mass in Spring 1943, so that might have had effect on Kursk but Stalingrad was done by then.

    > I notice you didn’t mention how many soldiers the Soviets lost.

    Because the question is did USSR resist because of USA or not. Actually no, the question is even more extreme than that – who was central in defeating Nazis. USSR lost 6.6 million. Doesn’t really factor into the question at hand, only results and actual effects factor.

    > Maybe that’s because they lost horrific numbers of soldiers as a direct result of the “throw bodies at them” strategy.

    Soviets lost 1.5 soldier for every Nazi they killed. I don’t think that’s how Zerg rush tactics work.

    > Again, the Soviets showed minimal ability to stop the Nazis until the second front was truly opened.

    I’ll just repeat the literal basic facts I quoted above.

    Stalingrad: 1942/1943
    Kursk: 1943
    Overlord: 1944

    I also won’t nitpick about your words “trully opened” because if I did I could drive all three Belorussian Fronts through you argument… and I feel merciful tonight. xD

    Also, say what you want about Wokepedia, but if you need to dig up killer numbers quickly, there’s no better resource on teh Intertubes.

  27. @Cary D Cotterman: You can have the argument if you wish to claim USA dragged Empire of Japan into a fight with itself, thus preventing Japan from opening a second front against USSR and/or killing of China for good. That argument can stand.

  28. Hoyos

    We’re getting topic here. What follows is only for Christians, if you’re not and you read it, it’s not really for you. That’s not a rhetorical technique, I mean it’s based on priorities you probably won’t have.

    I think there’s an answer that maybe few are going to like, although maybe we should. Throughout the Old Testament God gives orders to Israel about fighting, sometimes go up, sometimes don’t go up, sometimes go up and lose, as what appears to be a punishment. One time that I recall, don’t fight this time and you will be preserved.

    Only God can do the math and we have to ask His guidance and accept we may get it wrong. We didn’t get here by accident but by a million decisions made by the great and small alike.

    To some this will sound like defeatism. That is beyond false. If God doesn’t bless an endeavor it won’t prosper that’s it. That’s the key.

  29. Johnno

    Hoyos –

    Catholics know that God already told us what to do, through His Holy Mother, back in 1917.

    WWI will end, but WWII would begin.

    Russia will spread its errors over the whole world.

    America will become Communist.

    Rome will lose the faith. The Church will be persecuted.

    Fire will rain down from the sky. Nations will be annihilated.

    God’s Solution: The Pope and all the bishops of the entire world in union with him must publicly and simultaneously Consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

    Man’s Solution: The United Nations, NATO, Solidarity, Capitalism, Vatican II, the Novus Ordo, numerous bullshit world consecrations by John Paul II alone.

    Results are obvious. It may be too late to obey God now, or at least we have until 2029 to act to escape the worst outcome. But fat chance with a questionable “Pope” like Frankie in charge.

  30. Max Denken

    That books that follows the Raspail trail can no longer be published except by limited-reach samizdat is no reason to stop seeking them. Here is one of my references to Raspail in my 2020 book, ‘The Camp of the Sane and the Camp of the Saints”:
    “I call that Three Seas bloc “Camp of the Sane”; “Camp of the Saints” I borrowed from the title of an eponymous novel by Jean Raspail (1973). In that prophetic novel, 45 years ahead of its time, Raspail described the current West’s spiritual void, self-hate, xenophilia, and eviscerating altruism generating the impotence relative to preserving its peoples and even solicitation of an invasion by tens—soon to be hundreds—of millions of the Third World’s backward, unabsorbable and culture-destroying “migrants.”
    A ramshackle fleet bearing thousands of Indians—even Raspail could not afford to tell the truth about the solicited African invasion of France—lands on the southern coast of France. The authorities capitulate to the bleeding hearts, to journalists fanning hatred of French people who resist and want to keep France French, and to an aggressive fifth column of Africans and Arabs already living in the country and identifying with the nonwhite invaders. Journalists write that the arriving migrants will enrich, cleanse and “redeem” the West, and officials threaten people who speak the truth.
    The French coastal population flees in panic. The French Army prefers to withdraw rather than shoot at hundreds of thousands of unarmed civilians, women, and children. The “migrants”—really an invasion army adapted to the prostrate, decaying condition of the postmodern West—push north, slowly taking over France, murdering people at will, flouting laws and customs. They are joined by French leftists and by “migrant” communities in other Western countries. The governments are helpless; within a short time they are deposed and replaced by pro-“migrant” ones, e.g. the “Paris Multiracial Commune.”
    The new government bombs its own troops that still look like they might offer resistance. Everywhere, white people are ordered to share their homes with the “migrants”. The West is no more—in the book, and at an alarming rate of approaching finality, in our present reality.
    Except for a region of Europe hitherto considered backward and unimportant, the Camp of the Sane—Western civilization’s only hope of survival, except in isolated and besieged pockets of Western Europe and the Anglosphere. The West will surpass it still for years to come, as it consumes and depletes its great industrial and commercial might and civic capital accumulated in the decades when it was free, sane, and democratic while Europe’s “Eastern Bloc” was in a gray prison of commie oppression and poverty. However, the end result of the West’s decay is as predictable as that of uranium-238.”

  31. There’s also Christopher Priest’s “Fugue for a Darkening Island” which tries to square the circle for those of a leftist bent. It exists as an original version which I read decades ago and a modern revised edition. The changes between the two would no doubt be an interesting study.

    Seems clear given the massive importation of BIPOC that the political classes intend the West to collapse quickly when the famines come. I’m still not entirely clear on their endgame though the Georgia Guidestones seems to be the best bet.

  32. McChuck

    @Robin – After the first one, all the rest are free.

  33. Phileas_Frogg

    That there are so few alive today with the courage to die for a cause is unsurprising. What is more shocking is perhaps this, that there are startlingly few willing to kill for a cause.

    I am always drawn back to W.B. Yeats:

    Turning and turning in the widening gyre
    The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
    Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
    Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
    The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
    The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
    The best lack all conviction, while the worst
    Are full of passionate intensity.

    Surely some revelation is at hand;
    Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
    The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
    When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
    Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
    A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
    A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
    Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
    Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
    The darkness drops again; but now I know
    That twenty centuries of stony sleep
    Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
    And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
    Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

    Again: “…The best lack all conviction, while the worst…Are full of passionate intensity….”

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