There is a form of AI---AI is an acronym from the German meaning statistical modeling---that isn't AI per se, but which is important, even crucial, but not of direct interest…
Anon writes: Mr. Briggs, I am trying to understand the statement in the title. It [probability] is a measure of uncertainty. It is a measure of what we know or…
Propagandists are celebrating. Not the possibility that ghouls calling themselves "doctors" will no longer be able to kill legally the lives inside would-be mothers---and use the dead bodies in various…
This is mainly a catch up post for new readers who won't recall the old days. Listen to the podcast at YouTube, BitChute, or Gab. I'm late on this! STATE…
So we were heading to the Sheep Meadow to have a day reading under a tree. By the time we passed Balto, we could already hear it. Thump! Thump! Thump!…
For the closing days of summer, I am posting every chapter of the first edition of Everything You Believe Is Wrong. My enemies ravaged the first edition, inserting typos galore…
Previous post. Finally, we get tot the meat of the Incarnation. HOW ONE SHOULD UNDERSTAND THE INCARNATION OF THE SON OF GOD 1 Now, to get at the solution of…