It’s So Over: Immigration

It’s So Over: Immigration

You've already that the foreign born population in the once United States is now at 15%, an event that was once predicted not to occur for another decade. People of…
Evidence The Expertocracy Is Real

Evidence The Expertocracy Is Real

We are not yet in a full or complete expertocracy. That form of government is still in competition with the oligarchy, currently also gaining strength, and the old capitalism system,…
The Courage To Open Fire

The Courage To Open Fire

Like the works of David Irving, you will never find Jean Raspail's The Camp of the Saints on one of those Banned Books displays so beloved of the women (and…
The Push For 16-Year-Olds Voting

The Push For 16-Year-Olds Voting

If we have 18-year-olds vote for the executive office, why not 17-year-olds? And if 17-year-olds, why not 16-year-olds? And if 16-year-olds, why not 15-, 14-, 12-, and so on? A…