VAERS Shows J&J Vaxed Dying Much Earlier; Pfizer Likely Causing More Life Threatening Injuries In Young

VAERS Shows J&J Vaxed Dying Much Earlier; Pfizer Likely Causing More Life Threatening Injuries In Young

The results are below. At top, I answer the silliest objections.


“Briggs, you can’t use VAERS for diagnosing Covid vax injury.”

That so?

“It is so. VAERS is entirely voluntarily; therefore, since people don’t have to input vax injuries you can’t trust the vax injuries people input.”

So the people who voluntarily input vax injuries into VAERS are lying?

“No, they’re not lying, probably. But you can’t trust them because the government doesn’t mandate vax injury reporting.”

But it’s the government itself that created and maintains VAERS. Are you saying the government is complicit in spreading misinformation?

“You’re not following me. I’m saying that VAERS is biased because it’s voluntary.”

It is? In what direction?

“Obviously toward making the covid vax look worse.”

Doctors who use VAERS want to make the covid vax look worse?

“Look. It’s simple. You can’t trust VAERS.”

Maybe you’re right. How about we check how similar injury reports are with covid and with other vaccines? If reporting frequencies, and the like, are different for covid, then we might have an indication bias exists. Sound good?

“It won’t matter. We already know that covid vaccines are safe and effective.”

How do we know?

“The government told us.”

So we don’t need to check to see if the government, which loves us and only wishes what is best for us, might have made a mistake?

“No. The government employs Experts who do checks for us. We don’t have to worry.”

Well, you’re probably right. But I’m going to look anyway, for fun.

“I urge you to stop. You could cause vaccine hesitancy by disagreeing with government.”

I willing to risk it. Here goes.


I downloaded, for 2021 only (so far), the VAERS database. The covid vax didn’t really get going until 2021. Now it could be that because of the panic, now late in its second year, more docs entered suspicious outcomes into VAERS. Which would mean they were more familiar with using it, and so might have been more likely to enter injuries from other vaxes. Anyway, we want to compare data that is similar as possible, so, at first, we’ll look at 2021 only.

VAERS tracks 67—count ’em—sixty-seven different vaccines. Here’s a table, for all ages, for data through 28 November 2021, of all entries; i.e. injuries of all types.

Covid outstrips them all, by an order of magnitude. It is entirely plausible that many of the reports would not have been made had it not been for the panic, given that most vax injuries are minor. On the other hand, it is also plausible that there are so many more because the mandated mRNA gene therapy medicines stink. This snapshot alone gives no indication one way or the other.

The age distribution of who gets vaccines isn’t the same for covid and other vaxes. Kids get MMR and whatnot, adults don’t; adults get covid, and kids only just started to. So let’s start only with those over 18—still realizing the age distribution is not the same.

Here is the frequency of the number of days after vaccination until death, for those who died, for both covid (black) and all other vaccines (yellow). I use death because, as should be obvious, even to bureaucrats, there is no more important adverse event.

I left the scale at the day level for best resolution. There are a number of reports that list the day of death before the day of vaccination. These are obvious errors. To keep track, I coded all these as -30 days (negative 30; the range was close around that date). You can see the frequencies of this coding error was the same for covid and all other vaxes.

There were also a certain proportion of deaths coming after one year (365 days). I coded all these as 365. There were a higher frequency of these for non-covid vaccines.

These are suspicious because it’s hard—yet far from impossible—to think of medical reasons for vaccines causing deaths a year after the shots. Recall, though, that it’s doesn’t have to be direct causes, such as a vax causing a clot to the thrown and the heart to crap out. It could be the vax weakens systems, and these injuries lead to eventual death.

Anyway, if VAERS does have biases in over-ascribing deaths after one year, this bias is greater for non-covid vaxes.

The yellow lines are otherwise similar, but choppier. The extra variability is likely caused by the much small sample size. Most injuries are reported in the days immediately after vaccination, with a constant trickle after that, and a newer peak around six months. The yellow line at 6 months appears to be one of those reporting biases. “When was he vaxed?” “Six months ago.”

So far, any biases are on the side of non-covid vaxes. If we add in under 18 or look at them alone, nothing much changes.

Here are the frequencies of age at death after vaccination, for all ages.

Except for the expected spike at the youngest ages associated with childhood vaccinations, not much is different.

If there is a bias to associate deaths incorrectly with vaccination, then that same bias is there in the same proportion for non-covid vaccines. Or there is no bias for either.

Now let’s look at age of death by covid vax manufacturer. We can’t know which vaccine is worse in an overall sense unless we knew the number of shots given.

It’s clear that people getting J&J are dying earlier. A lot earlier.

Is this because sicker people are seeking out J&J more? Or are the younger preferentially being given J&J&? Or is it that the J&J vax stinks? My bet is the last.

Here, as before, are the days after vax until death (the frequency) by covid vax manufacturer.

If J&J are dying youngest, Moderna are dying fastest, followed closely by J&J. Though J&J isn’t that different from Pfizer.

All reports are that Pfizer leads the shot race (most jabs). Here are the total events, reported by numbers of deaths, and the rate of deaths to events—all are about the same:

J&J        59678      776   0.013
Moderna   315256     4018   0.013
Pfizer    303170     4504   0.015

That’s conditional on any event being report, and does not indicate overall quality since we don’t know numbers of shots/bodies.

Lastly, let’s look at the age frequencies for life threatening illness (a specific VAERS field).

The numbers aren’t showing for the ages, but Pfizer is showing higher frequencies of life threatening illness for those under 17.

This could be because Moderna and J&J aren’t being given, at all, to the young. Or it could be the Pfizer vax is harming the young.

Who anyway don’t need to be vaccinated, because (as I’ve said a hundred times) they have 10 times the risk of dying in a car crash, but nobody is saying don’t let kids ride in cars.

Next will be to look into the text fields and other information, and compare 2021 with earlier years.

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  1. Hagfish Bagpipe

    One v’axe death is a tragedy. A million v’axe deaths is a bar graph.

  2. On an average day, in the developed world, about 0.0023% of any randomly chosen population dies. In the USA, that works out to about 7,500 deaths per day.

    In other words, if you pick an American at random, there’s about a 0.0023% chance that he or she will die within 24 hours.

    So far, about 8.28 billion Covid-19 vaccine jabs have been given, globally. 0.0023% of that is about 190,000.

    Americans got 470 million jabs (I got 3). 0.0023% of 470M is about 10,800.

    Those are estimates of number of COINCIDENTAL deaths within ONE DAY of getting a jab, NOT caused by the jab.

    For coincidental deaths, not caused by the jab, within ONE WEEK of the jab, multiply those numbers by seven.

    I hope that makes it obvious why VAERS reports of much smaller numbers people dying within days of getting vaccinated is not evidence that the vaccines have killed anyone.

    Now, look at these statistics, from the CDC:

    Age-adjusted all-cause mortality risk for an unvaccinated person was a whopping 3.2× higher than for someone (like me) vaccinated with Moderna.


    It’s unsurprising that age-adjusted all-cause mortality is highest for unvaccinated people, but the difference is bigger than I’d have expected, considering that Covid-19 caused <20% of US deaths during the study period.

    Perhaps it's a reflection of the old adage: "stupidity is a capital offense." People foolish enough to refuse vaccination might also be foolish enough to take other risks or make other foolish choices, and get killed in other foolish ways.

  3. Rudolph Harrier

    If all (or the vast majority) of the VAERS reports for COVID vaccine deaths are just “coincidental deaths,” why don’t we see similar behavior for past vaccines? Up to 2020 about 40-50% of Americans got a flu shot each year. Even if we count the different shots and boosters of COVID vaccines separately, that’s still more flu shots over a 5 year period than COVID shots. And we’ve been giving out flu shots for more than 5 years.

    Yet the number of flu vaccine related deaths in VAERS is about 7.5% of the number of COVID vaccine related deaths. What explains that?

  4. Forbes

    In other words, if you confuse jabs for people and count deaths from jabs as coincidental, not caused by jabs, then nobody died from the jab. It’s simple–get the jab and if you die, well, that’s life, you die.

  5. Dave,

    “Those are estimates of number of COINCIDENTAL deaths within ONE DAY of getting a jab, NOT caused by the jab.
    “For coincidental deaths, not caused by the jab, within ONE WEEK of the jab, multiply those numbers by seven.
    “I hope that makes it obvious why VAERS reports of much smaller numbers people dying within days of getting vaccinated is not evidence that the vaccines have killed anyone.”


    Do reports in VAERS include all deaths of all vaccinated people? I don’t think so.
    Pretty sure that VAERS tracks deaths/injuries of vaccinated people that are suspected, or confirmed, to be caused by a vaccine.

    The comparison of chances of random death to the chances of death caused by a vaccine is irrelevant and meaningless.

    VAERS tracks injuries and deaths specifically related to vaccines. The magnitude of reported deaths and injuries caused by other risks, is irrelevant in determining whether or not a vaccine harmed a patient.

    If VAERS included reports of vaccinated people walking out of the doctor’s office and being hit by a bus, your comparison of random deaths and VAERS-reported deaths would be valid.

    Instead, VAERS reports are like this: “Patient was injected with J&J vaccine in doctor’s office. Patient immediately convulsed and suffered cardiac arrest. Unable to resuscitate. Cause of death determined to be reaction to vaccine.”

    A valid critique of the risk of suffering death/injury from vaccines might be that you are more likely to die of a random cause than from a vaccine. But comparative likelihood of random death is NOT evidence of the safety of vaccines.

    Or am I missing something?

  6. I don’t know the answer to your question, Rudolph.

    My best guess is that the cause for the disparity in VAERS report numbers is classic confirmation bias. Whether someone reports a relative’s death in the VAERS system depends on whether he or she suspects that the death could have been caused by the jab. People are used to flu shots, and there’s no organized campaign to convince people that they change your genome, or microchip you, or make you infertile. So if someone has a heart attack a few days after a flu vaccine jab, his widow typically assumes it’s coincidental. So she doesn’t report it. But if someone has a heart attack a few days after a Covid-19 vaccine jab, and his widow has heard RFK Jr, Alex Jones, Mercola, or Jon Rappoport claim that the jab is dangerous, she’s likely to suspect that the jab caused her husband’s heart attack. So she does report it.

    But that’s just a guess.

    To me, the most startling statistics are those age-adjusted all-cause mortality figures. Such an enormously higher all-cause mortality risk for unvaccinated people is really remarkable. Do you have a hypothesis to explain it?

  7. Rudolph Harrier

    I will assume that you are referring to table 2, not table 3 that you linked to, since only table 2 shows the behavior that you claim. The first thing that I would have to see is how the adjustment is being made. The table says that the rate is standardized for 100 years per person, but it’s unclear to me why would have to standardize across age when the data is already broken down in terms of different age groups. That could lead to a bias towards groups that simply have not existed for very long.

    Note that in the data the 1 shot group consistently dies at a rate less than the 2 shot group. The effect varies from 1/2 the rate to less than a fifth the rate, depending on population. In many groups that’s better than the effect you are claiming from the vaccine.

    Should we then conclude that the correct course of action is to get the first jab and refuse the second? It is possible that the vaccines “lethal threshold” of risk only becomes great enough at the second jab, in which case getting only a single jab would be more rational (unless that jab isn’t effective against COVID by itself, in which case getting nothing would be more rational.)

    But I suspect that you would not make that argument, and instead say something like “the lower mortality rate is an illusion caused by the fact that people do not spend very long in a single jabbed state, and thus have less of a chance to die incidentally (even after renormalization.)” But if that is true we also must consider that the two-jabbed population contains many people who have only been double jabbed for a few months, so we would expect the same effect.

  8. Kent, it is not true that “VAERS tracks injuries and deaths specifically related to vaccines.” Rather, VAERS reports are of injuries and deaths which someone (anyone!) suspected might have been caused by the jabs.

    Unless there has been a statistically detectable increase in a particular type of injury or death, compared to the general population, you can’t attribute any particular incident report to the jab without examination of the specific circumstances of the incident. “His widow suspects it” is not sufficient.

    I know of a handful of U.S. deaths for which press reports indicate that the circumstances suggest a strong likelihood that the jabs were the cause: 52yo Dr. Gregory Michael, of Miami, FL (Pfizer), 60yo Tim Zook of Orange County, CA (Pfizer), 58yo Drene Keyes, of Gloucester, VA (Pfizer), an unnamed 65yo Pittsburgh, PA man (Moderna), and a late 30s King County, WA woman. (You can web search for those names for details; they got heavy press coverage.)

    But that’s five cases, compared to 812,205 U.S. deaths caused by the disease. I hope it is obvious which is more dangerous.

    I’ve now had three Moderna jabs. About 24 hours after I got my second Moderna jab, I got a very sore foot. It hurt a lot, and it swelled up so badly that it was hard to get my shoe on.

    Do you think it was due to the vaccine jab?

    I don’t. I think it was due to the nail that I stepped on.

    But what do I know?

  9. Rudolph Harrier

    Arguing that VAERS is not trustworthy and that we should instead trust your short media review as a comprehensive list of all vaccine deaths is beyond ridiculous.

  10. Rudolph wrote, “I will assume that you are referring to table 2, not table 3 that you linked to, since only table 2 shows the behavior that you claim.”

    You’re right! The link should have been:

    Thanks for the correction.

    Rudolph wrote, “Note that in the data the 1 shot group consistently dies at a rate less than the 2 shot group. The effect varies from 1/2 the rate to less than a fifth the rate, depending on population.”

    I think you’ve confused total numbers of deaths with death rates.

    For the mRNA vaccine unvaccinated control group the death rate was 1.11 deaths per 100 person-years.

    For Pfizer-BioNTech recipients after 1 jab it was only 0.42 deaths per 100 person-years.

    For Pfizer-BioNTech after 2 jabs it was 0.35 deaths per 100 person-years.

    For Moderna after 1 jab it was 0.37 deaths per 100 person-years.

    For Moderna after 2 jabs it was 0.34 deaths per 100 person-years.

  11. Marc

    Hi Dave, interesting points to ponder.

    Why, in your opinion, are there more deaths related to Covid in 2021 vs 2020? As you are well aware, the vaccine did not exist in 2020…

  12. Rudolph wrote, “Arguing that… we should instead trust your short media review as a comprehensive list of all vaccine deaths is beyond ridiculous.”

    I did not say it was “a comprehensive list of all vaccine deaths.” I said it was the cases which “I know of.” ?I thought I was clear.

    But the reason those cases got a lot of press is because they were very unusual. In contrast, the U.S. is currently losing one person to Covid-19 every 72 seconds, on average.

  13. Pk

    Obviously, if you step on a nail it wasn’t the vaccine. But, do you apply the same rigorous reasoning to assigning deaths from Covid versus deaths with Covid or suspected from Covid?

  14. Rudolph Harrier

    I will confess that I misread the table, since similar disease tables from the UK have rates normalized to the population size at this stage, not raw death counts.

    So I corrected that myself. For example, there are 6,660 deaths in the non-vaccinated group in a population of 3,243,112. So about .205% died. In the moderna group there are 5,636 deaths (counting both 1 and 2 jabs, since the total population numbers aren’t broken down) and 2,604,066 people. So about .216% died.

    Yet the adjusted rates for “100 person years” claim much lower mortality rates than the unvaccinated populations. So something screwy is going on with the renormalization, especially since you would expect normalizing for time to have the opposite effect.

    Something else I noticed when digging into the data is that this is not all-cause deaths. The asterisk on deaths clearly states that any death that occurred within 30 days of a confirmation of COVID has been excluded. Therefore this is specifically non-COVID deaths. If we are to believe these statistics at their face value, it would mean that even if we were to eradicate COVID we should never stop giving COVID boosters because of their supposed non-COVID benefits. Very implausible and further makes me suspect that something screwy is happening with the reweighting.

    Why don’t you explain how the reweighting worked and show me that there was nothing untoward about it?

  15. bhiggum

    Dave, this mRNA treatment is NOT the same as any other vaccine that has ever been in use. Comparing a COVID jab to a flu vaccination is- well, let’s go with useless. Also could call it disingenuous, or something more crude, but let’s just say they aren’t the same and leave it at that.

    I have a hypothesis for why the age-adjusted all-cause mortality figures is so high- are they doing the counting trick where you’re not considered “vaccinated” until 14 days after the second shot? It doesn’t seem like it from reading through the article you linked (again below), but it’s a hypothesis.

    It’s also not clear in the summary of that study how they counted mortality. If you die after the first shot, you can’t die after the second shot, so do we have to add the two columns together to compare the mortality to the unvaccinated? I don’t see any way around that, but I’m sure I’m just confused and not right-thinking hard enough.

    The chart gets worse the more I look at it- let’s try to compare apples to apples here.

    Just drill down into one subset and compare the total deaths in the 45-64 age group for only Pfizer to unvaxxed.
    Add deaths after both doses together (117+409=526).
    Divide that by the number of Pfizer recipients in that age group (526/1072819=.00049)
    .05% non-covid mortality rate. Did I do that right?

    Same math for unvaxxed-
    Deaths divided by total unvaxxed in that age group (910/987703=.00092)
    So .09% non-covid mortality rate.

    I guess that’s almost half the mortality rate? Improvement? Half a tiny number is a tinier number, I guess…

    Honestly, from the data in that study, if I didn’t know there were different groups, I couldn’t say that there were anything but random. Adding in a bunch of conditions and variables (“contribute unvaccinated person-time”?) and adjustments (“per 100 person-years”? Seriously?) to try and make the data look better only makes me question the results more. If there was a significant difference to be seen, it would be obvious with much, much less window dressing. This is another example of a paper that is written to support a conclusion, and not a study that was actually conducted to answer a hypothesis.

    And this whole discussion is almost completely irrelevant to Brigg’s VAERS comparison of the COVID jab reports to other vaccine reports.

  16. Marc, many of the U.S. Covid-19 deaths in 2021 occurred in January & February, when very few Americans had been vaccinated (and even fewer had substantial vaccine-induced immunity, because vaccination doesn’t give much protection for the first few weeks). Two-thirds of U.S. Covid-19 deaths to date occurred before March 1, 2021.

    As the vaccination rollout progressed, the U.S. Covid-19 death rate steadily dropped, until July, when the Delta variants hit. Here’s the U.S. daily death rate graph:

    Here’s a graph showing the vaccine rollout progress in the U.S.:

    The Delta surge caught me by surprise. I expected us to be back to normal by now.

  17. “…it is not true that “VAERS tracks injuries and deaths specifically related to vaccines.” Rather, VAERS reports are of injuries and deaths which someone (anyone!) suspected might have been caused by the jabs.”


    Your re-formulation means EXACTLY what I said: VAERS reports injuries and deaths SPECIFICALLY related to vaccines. Regardless of who reports them, these reports are specific to vaccine-suspected causes.

    Your initial comparison was of VAERS deaths/injuries to ALL CAUSES of death. That’s not a valid comparison. It is meaningless. You attempted to minimize the reports of vaccine-related deaths/injuries by pointing out that 7,500 Americans die every day. That is an irrelevant and meaningless comparison.

    Briggs’ compilation compares vaccine-related deaths/injuries between Covid vaccines and other vaccines. His is a valid and meaningful comparison.

    VAERS may not be perfect, but it’s vaccine-specific.

    Not sure what your issue is with using VAERS data, but you’re tilting at windmills there. Medical researchers use, report on, and analyze the VAERS data, just as Briggs has here. Do you have a better source of vaccine-related injury/death reports? Besides some random media selection?

    There are more than 600 papers that use VAERS for data, in the last several yearss. Here’s just one of the recent medical journal papers that uses VAERS to analyze vaccine deaths/injuries:

    Acute Myocardial Injury Following
    COVID-19 Vaccination: A Case
    Report and Review of Current
    Evidence from Vaccine Adverse
    Events Reporting System Database

  18. Sinister Delenda Est

    I think a good possibility for the J&J deaths occurring younger could be that a higher percentage of working-age people might be seeking the J&J, compared to retirees. There’s an appeal to a “one and done”, especially if you are employed.

  19. CG

    Why do we continue to just discuss vaccinated vs unvaccinated when the real discussion should be healthy vs unhealthy and younger vs older. These vaccines are not magic shields that protect you from infection and the absolute benefit is something like 1.3% on your overall outcome.

    The data before vaccines showed a direct correlation between 2 distinct categories of severe outcomes if you got CV. Age & co-morbidities especially obesity.

    It’s entirely plausible that the unvaccinated here are more in the age/co-morbidity categories.

    I mean think about it. Before the vaccines 10s of millions survived and had minor symptoms. The older/unhealthy didn’t for the most part.

    If the healthy are the ones getting vaccinated, they aren’t going to die most likely (even without the vaccine) so you get a false equivalency here with healthy folks saying “If I didn’t have the vaccine I would have probably been hospitalized or worse” which cannot be determined. And the data is skewed with false equivilencies of overall protection/success.

    So if unhealthy folks aren’t getting vaccinated then it’s very likely they will possibly have a severe outcome.

    I’m just tired of the vaccinated/unvaccinated stuff which isn’t useful on it’s own when it needs to be about overall health profiles and with/without the vaccine.

  20. Pk, it turns out that it is mathematically impossible that misattribution of causes of death, in cases in which someone died “with Covid” but due to another cause, could have much inflated the number of deaths due to Covid-19. I explained why that is so in a Washington Times article, Dec. 28, 2020:

    Worldometers counts 813,656 Americans killed by Covid-19, so far. Those are actual documented cases, in which a coroner or medical examiner attributed the cause of death to Covid-19. That means Covid-19 has killed 813,656 / 334M = more than 0.24% of the entire U.S. population.

    (Keep that figure in mind the next time you hear someone falsely claim that Covid-19 has had a “99.8% survival rate” or similar.)

  21. Leslie

    Appreciate comments that post sources as those can be discussed. Do not appreciate the labeling as stupid anyone that requires data to inform vax decision. After all, is the decision to blindly trust the government in this EUA, more intelligent? UK data is better in that they track post jab 1, 2, etc. CDC definitionally includes post jab 1 but prior to 2 wks post jab 2 in the unvaxxed category. So, the documented increased infection rate between jabs and the possible adverse event deaths get counted as unvaxxed for those 3 weeks. Also last I checked, CDC counted as unvaxxed those deaths prior to vax rollout in early 2021. These categorizations could easily tip the all cause mortality in the direction Dave referenced. Better to look at Pfizer’s own 6 mo all cause mortality at 21 jabbed vs 17 unjabbed out of around 20K equal groups. Pfizer made exclusions too though. Finally, easy graphing shows the jump in mortality at vax introduction pretty clearly. True internationally. Even almost 100% vaxxed countries are worse off at vax intro and many currently have surges. Many relatively unvaxxed countries are out of the woods, like India, to name but one.
    And how could delta surprise anyone? Nor Omicron, nor Greek letter of the week? Variants arise from immune pressure and are equally spread both vaxxed and non. All the cases arriving from S Africa by plane were vaxxed, per law. These are non sterilizing vaccines. Predicted.

  22. Sinister Delenda Est, I think that older Americans are more likely to have gotten Moderna or Pfizer simply because those vaccines were available earlier, and the elderly got priority access to vaccination in the early days of the rollout. The J&J vaccine didn’t start shipping until March, 2021. By the time that the J&J vaccine was available many elderly Americans had already gotten at least their first mRNA jab.

    Interestingly, although Moderna seems to be the most effective vaccine, overall, from what I’ve read, J&J plus a Moderna booster appears to be as effective as a three-dose all-Moderna regimen (which is what I got).

    The data we now have indicates that Moderna is the best booster shot, no matter what original vaccine you got (unless you got Moderna and had an unpleasant reaction to it). If your original jab was J&J (or AstraZeneca, or Sinovac) then it is especially beneficial to make your booster an mRNA jab: preferably Moderna, though Pfizer is also good.

  23. Hagfish Bagpipe

    Briggs: ”There is ample reason to believe the human race is congenitally insane.”

  24. Briggs

    Long covid is just like sick building syndrome, suffered by nervous hypochondriac middle aged women and effeminate men.

  25. philemon

    Debate Is Over Folks; Facts Came In

    There have been long-term effects from flu and colds very like “Long Covid”; so it is nothing new.

    I don’t know about cats (who does?), but I don’t think John Frum, I mean David Frum, of the Atlantic neocon cargo cult, is plausibly reliable on anything.

    And my God, if hospitalized co-morbidity patients with Covid-19 suffer from neurological problems, maybe it’s Type 3 Diabetes? Somehow, I don’t think injecting them with spike proteins is gonna help.

    So, what’s with Brandon these days anyway?

  26. Hagfish Bagpipe

    “If your original jab was J&J (or AstraZeneca, or Sinovac) then it is especially beneficial to make your booster an mRNA jab: preferably Moderna, though Pfizer is also good.”

    Owen Benjamin said he did that and now he’s growing shark teeth on his balls.

  27. “Long covid is just like sick building syndrome, suffered by nervous hypochondriac middle aged women and effeminate men.”

    The latest hypothesis is that “long covid” is a side effect of microwave weapon attacks aimed at the skulls of unwitting maskless anti-vaxxers…..

    Oh, wait, sorry, that’s “Havana Syndrome.”

    “It has been said that history does not repeat itself, but it often rhymes. Manifestations of mass psychogenic illness throughout history are notoriously protean, changing with the times to reflect shifting fears and beliefs.1 That is because it is a psychosomatic condition involving the influence of the psyche (mind) on the soma (body); a complex interaction of biological, psychological and social forces.2 During the 19th century, there was an upsurge in outbreaks in Western schools and factories coinciding with rigid academic and capitalist discipline paralleling the rise in scientific rationalism. Prior to this time, episodes were typified by anxiety associated with the fear of witches and demons.

    “Between November 2016 and June 2018, a mysterious illness was reported among 25 diplomats from the US embassy in Havana, Cuba.15,16 Patients exhibited an array of what the State Department described as ‘medically confirmed symptoms’, including headaches, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, confusion, disorientation, trouble walking, insomnia, sensitivity to sound, ear pain and pressure, tinnitus and brain abnormalities that included concussion-like symptoms.”

    Long covid, Havana syndrome, CFS, mass hysteria.

  28. Leslie

    Philemon, excellent link on that market-ticker piece by Karl Denninger. Can’t find his source though. Do you have a link to it?

  29. Leslie,

    the source is in a link in the beginning of the article (“it’s time for apologies”).

  30. Leslie

    Thanks Mariner!

  31. PaulH

    Yet another study showing the vex does nothing to stop the spread:

    “At the country-level, there appears to be no discernable relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases in the last 7 days (Fig. 1). In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people.”

    I want to read the study more carefully, but the conclusions seem reasonable.

  32. philemon

    J&J supposedly has a higher risk of GBS.

    Of course, given the VAERs systematic underreporting, it might well be an order of magnitude higher. And the Pharma biz might be keeping their own numbers and doing a lot of CYA.

    So, what people should be scared of is not Covid-19 or the Moronic variant, but lying fear propaganda.

  33. Bertguy

    On the subject of “officially” recorded Covid deaths, I have read a lengthy article chronicalling the changes to the CDC’s guidelines for determining cause of death as specifically related to Covid. Also, a Coroner in Colorado was asking other Coroner’s to speak out about the new rules because she listed, as Covid death’s, 2 men who died of gunshot wounds that had been previously diagnosed with Covid. I have printed both articles out though I cannot link to them for you.

  34. Joy

    Explanation from Singapore Dr. On question of link between vaccination and cardiovascular accidents.
    At minute 6:30

    The yellow card scheme in the UK is a system that works for all drugs/medicine,, new and old.
    Like the American system for vaccines, it relies on self referral. This is a vital service and works well but using only information from reporting by patients and individual Drs is the wrong way to identify a link between a medicine and a given adverse effect.
    False correlation and confirmation bias are inherent in such a reporting system. So further analysis has to be undertaken if any kind o signal comes in from self reported cases, covid vaccine or otherwise.

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